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Why is Python used so widely?

Important Facts Why Python is gaining more popularity among Developers. you will learn in this tutorial.

Python programming language is the versatile language when it comes to extending support to and from other technologies. Visual studio is one of the code editors that extend support to the python programming language using the python extension. In this article, we will learn about how we can use visual studio code for python. Python is the premier, flexible, and powerful open-source language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and has powerful libraries for data manipulation and analysis. For a over decade, Python has been used in scientific computing and highly quantitative domains such as finance, oil and gas, physics, and signal processing. Python that can be used for libraries like pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scikit, and master the concepts like Python machine learning, scripts, and sequence.

Key points to be covered:


Operands and Expressions

Conditional Statements

Companies using Python

String manipulation

Advantages of Python


The data consists of a constants or fixed values that can never change variable values. Usually, both the constants and variables are defined as certain data types. Each data type prescribes and limits the form of the data. Examples of the data types include: an integer expressed as a decimal number, or a string of text characters, usually limited in length. In the other words, a variable is a python program gives data to the computer for processing. Every value in Python has a data type. Different data types are Python in Numbers, List, Tuple, Strings, Dictionary, etc. Variables are that can be declared by the name or even alphabets. A variable is created by the moment that we can first assign a value to it. In Python, variables are need not be declared or defined in advance, as is the case in many other programming languages. To create a variable, that you can just assign a value and then start using that.

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Operands and Expressions

Expressions are short-circuit evaluation dictates that the interpreter stop evaluating as soon as any operand is found to be false, because at that point the entire expression is known to be false. Once that is the case, no more operands are evaluated, and the false operand that terminated evaluation is returned as the value of the expressions. Operators are a symbols in which tell the Python interpreter to do some mathematical or logical operation. An expression is a combination of operators and operands that can be evaluated to yield a value. The operands are an integer expression consists exclusively of integers. The operands in a floating-point expression consist exclusively of floating-point values. A type expression can be:

  • A basic type
  • A basic name

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements are help to make a decision based on certain conditions. The conditionals are specified by a set of conditional statements having Boolean expressions which are evaluated to a Boolean value true or false. Python program, then if statement is how to perform this sort of decision-making. It allows conditional execution of statement or group of statements based on the value of an expression. Conditional statements are also known as decision-making statements. We use these statements when we want to execute a block of code when the given condition is true or false. Python provides conditional statements which are helpful for verification and validation purposes. These are the following types of conditional statements in C.

  • If statement
  • If-Else statement
  • Nested If-else statement
  • If-Else If ladder
  • Switch statement

Companies using Python

Python is most power full language to Important Facts Why Python is gaining more popularity among Developers.

The Python is kindly used for the companies around the world to build web apps, analyze data, automate operations via Devops and create reliable, scalable enterprise applications.

There are 500 current programming languages, with more being written every day. Majority of the overlap and a large number were never meant to be used outside of a theoretical or lab setting.

Spotify: In Another tech giant Spotify also trusts Python and applies it in its back-end services, as well as for data analysis purposes. In more detail, the back-end of Spotify consists of a plethora of separate services that are connected by means of the messaging protocol developed in-house.

Amazon: Amazon Company is another big player that involved Python language in its product. Among all the technical solutions this company resorted to, we should pay your attention to the way Amazon built its features connected with suggestions.

Survey Monkey: It’s one of the largest survey companies in the world that processes more than 1 million survey responses daily. At the very beginning, the company’s web app was monolithic and built on .NET along with C#. 

Face book: It’s quite obvious that this social network deals with huge amount of data including tons of images. The company decided to use Python as the core language for the back-end of their applications connected with image processing.

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String manipulation

String manipulation is the process of changing, parsing, splicing, pasting, or analyzing strings. String manipulation is a typically comes as a mechanism or a library feature of in most programming languages. Typically, most programming languages provide a string data type that holds a sequence of characters. Strings are the one of most basic data types in Python, used to represent textual data. Almost every application involves working with strings, and Python’s provides a number of methods to make string manipulation. Such string manipulation patterns come up often in the context of data science work, and are one big perk of Python in this context.

Advantages of Python

  • Extensive support libraries
  • Open source and community development
  • User-friendly data structures
  • High-level language
  • Object-oriented language
  • Portable and interactive
  • Presence of third-party modules
  • Free and open-source
  • Improved productivity

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November 27, 2019
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