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10 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Worth Your Time

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to connect with your customers. Even in a world dominated by social media, email marketing is still one of the most powerful channels you can use to reach and engage your customers. Here are five reasons why email marketing is worth your time: 

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a form of direct marketing in which businesses send emails to their customers and prospects. The primary purpose of email marketing is to create interest or stimulate action (such as clicking on a link) hoping that customers will purchase products or services. Other benefits include gaining customer feedback, building customer relationships, increasing brand awareness, and establishing thought leadership.


Email marketing can be done differently depending on your business’s needs:

  • B2B Email Marketing –Targeted at another company with a need for your product/service.
  • Transactional Email – Notifying someone about something related to what you sell.
  • Promotional Email- Sharing newsworthy information with your audience that encourages them to take action.
  • Email marketing has a high ROI, and some even argue that it is more cost-efficient than paying for signs or pay-per-click advertising.

The most important part of email marketing is to have a strategy from the beginning. For example, are you creating an email list by capturing emails from your website visitors, paid ads, conferences/referrals? What are your goals? Who is your target audience? What messages do you want to share with them? How often will you send messages? Once these questions have been answered, creating an email campaign can be done quickly with different tools out there. An example of a tool would be MailChimp which takes the hassle out of finding all your contacts on multiple platforms and manages them in one place.

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Many myths about email marketing include sending emails to the wrong people, selling lists, spam complaints, etc. Sending emails to someone who has already purchased your product is not spam, but if they don’t want to hear from you, they can unsubscribe. Some tools allow you to examine where your unsubscribes are coming from and rectify it immediately or find out why they aren’t opening your emails by changing the subject line or creating a better call to action within your email. As long as you have permission from someone before adding them to an email list, there should be no problem with unsolicited email complaints. 

Email Marketing

What are the 10 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Worth Your Time?

Email Marketing is one of the most influential and inexpensive ways to reach your audience. This week, we will discuss ten reasons why you should be using it.

1.Email is Discriminating: One of the beauties of email is that it’s discriminating. You get to choose who and when you market to, which makes reaching out much more personal for both parties. With all the noise on social media channels these days, this negative aspect [of spam concerns] has been a big plus in our book.

2.It’s Inexpensive: In an economy where everything takes a bigger bite out of your wallet, email marketing allows creative marketers with smaller budgets or even no budget at all to engage their customers effectively without breaking the bank in some cases.

3.It’s Trackable: You can track who has clicked on your emails, how many times, for how long, and even where they were when they clicked through. This means you can start seeing what works and what doesn’t faster than ever before, leading us to our next benefit.

4.It Lets You See What Works: One of the biggest problems we face as marketers is that we don’t know if something works or not until it’s too late, and we’ve already spent a lot of money trying it out. The beauty of email marketing is that you can learn by doing, making less expensive mistakes, and testing different strategies quickly and easily to find what’s working. 

5.It’s Easier Than Ever Before: With all the great email list-building tools available, it’s easier than ever before to start an email marketing campaign. 

6.It’s Measurable: With tracking in place, you can measure how many people are opening your emails, what links they are clicking and which ones are performing well. This also enables marketers to test subject lines, calls to action, and offers quickly to optimize their campaigns with very little money or time invested.

7.It Helps You Build Relationships: When done right, email marketing helps build long-lasting relationships between you and your customers. We’ve all heard stories of customers who fell in love with a product on Facebook but discovered it by way of an email newsletter. If you’re not reaching out over social networks, this type of customer may never hear about you (or they may not hear about you until it’s too late).

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8.It Lets You Reach A Broad Audience: From our experience, email marketing is usually one of the most effective ways to reach a large audience quickly. If done right, your message can go out to thousands of people at once.

9.It Gives You A Chance To Be Creative: One thing that excites us the most about email marketing is that it allows you to be creative. Whether through design or by offering your audience something special, there are countless opportunities available here for marketers who want to stand out from their competitors and have fun doing it.

10.It’s Personal: We all crave personal attention and connection with the brands we love; email marketing helps deliver this in a way that social networks can’t. By checking into Facebook or Twitter, you’re flooded with information from all kinds of sources, but by emailing your customers through simple personal notes, you can make deeper connections and create raving fans out of anyone.


Email marketing is still a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. It’s an efficient way to reach your target audience, and it can be personalized to suit their needs. If you’re not currently using email marketing in your business strategy, we encourage you to give it a try. You may be surprised at how effective it can be. Have you had success with email marketing? What tips would you share with others who are just starting? Let us know in the comments below.

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