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What are the Benefits of Using SEO and PPC Together?

Many people think of SEO and PPC as two separate entities when it comes to online marketing. But what if I told you that using both together can provide some great benefits for your business? In this blog post, we’ll break down the benefits of using SEO and PPC together, so you can see for yourself how they can work together to help your business succeed. Stay tuned!

Benefits of SEO and PPC Together:

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of increasing traffic to your website via search engines. PPC (pay-per-click) is an online advertising model used. Businesses pay for their ad to be placed on relevant websites when someone uses a search engine to find information about products or services, including the ads themselves.

You should implement both services because the benefits are pretty clear. If you’re looking to get your business found online, then you should consider running paid advertising alongside organic search engine optimization.

Benefits of Using SEO & PPC

Here are just a few of the many benefits of using SEO and PPC together:

1. Wide Reach

An article on eMarketing states that when an ad is text-based in a search engine result page (SERP), it has approximately eight words to capture someone’s attention—less time than it takes most people to blink their eyes or see what kind of beverage is sitting next to them at the coffee shop. So if someone needs information quickly, they’ll likely move past these ads without giving them another thought. That’s why organic search engine optimization is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes.

When you do both SEO and PPC, more of your content can be seen by more people—which means that your company will reap the rewards of having a wider reach.

Have a Look on : Content Marketing Tools

2. Higher Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The higher your CTR, the better—it can mean big money for your business if you’re using paid ads on search engines to drive traffic to your site. The greater your exposure, the better chance you have at increasing awareness about who you are and what products or services you offer—and an increased number of clicks means an increase in potential revenue. However, there’s a significant difference between how people interact with ads and organic search engine optimization. With pay-per-click advertising, you’re relying on someone to notice your ad, find it relevant enough to click, and then return often enough for the company displaying the ads to keep them in rotation. It’s entirely possible that thousands could see your ad of people who aren’t in the market for your products or services at all—and just because they see an ad doesn’t mean that they’ll ever return.  

On the other hand, when you put time into SEO techniques like link building, focusing on keywords, publishing valuable content, page titles and meta descriptions, internal linking to improve user experience, site speed optimization, no-follow tags, and other best practices, you’re going to see a higher click-through rate. In addition, these activities positively impact user experience, which will increase the likelihood that people stay on your site and eventually convert into customers.

3. A Longer View

If someone has invested their time and money into organic search engine optimization for their business, they should continue to invest in it long-term. That’s because SEO isn’t like paid advertising, where you can set up a campaign and then walk away (or outsource to somebody else), only to come back later when you’re ready to start another one. Link building takes time; however, it’s worth the effort—and the longer you put into SEO efforts, the more you’re going to get out of them in return.

If you start a PPC campaign and then drop it after a few months, all of your hard work will have been for nothing. Plus, running two campaigns at one time is just doubling your chances of having your ads show up on search engines—and that means that you could be paying twice as much money for the same number of clicks. But, on the other hand, when you commit to organic search engine optimization practices long-term, they eventually pay off in big ways.  

4. Higher ROI

Partnering with an SEO professional has many benefits beyond improving your website’s rankings on Google. For example, one major way in which working with an SEO company can help your business is by increasing your return on investment (ROI). This happens because a large part of SEO’s role in online marketing is to boost the presence of a website and its content—and this means that you’ll see more traffic coming from search engines.

In addition, as SEO professional focuses on link building, they will create backlinks to your site that drive authority directly into it. This can have a significant impact on revenue, as from 2014 through 2017; Google has averaged a 63% share of the US digital advertising market.

Another reason why working with an SEO company can help increase ROI is because they know how to keep their clients ahead of the curve when it comes to analytics tools. This is important because, when you’re consistently looking at the data that SEO provides in the context of your website’s ROI, you can make informed decisions about how to spend money on advertising.


5. Better Analytics Tools

SEO companies can track every action that users take when they visit a client’s website—and this means that they have access to more metrics than ever before. These metrics include time spent on site, bounce rate, page views per session, new versus returning visitors, and keywords used to find a given site. Without SEO techniques, it would be very difficult for business owners to know which pages were getting how many page views, where their traffic was coming from, or how high their CTR was.

On the other hand, with the right analytics tools in place—and a good SEO company behind you—you’ll have information about just about everything that happens on your website. That means that you’re going to be able to use this data to make informed decisions about how (and where) to allocate your advertising budget.


As an example of what you can do when you get access to good data, imagine that after looking at time spent on-site for one month, you realize that most visitors are sticking around on pages A and B; then, based on this information, you start creating more content like these two pages (e.g., page C) without changing anything else. Not only will this make your site more valuable to visitors, but you’ll also get higher CTR on your ads because Google will show them to more people who are interested in what you’re promoting.

When it comes to the returns that an SEO company can offer, there’s no better deal than having access to information like this. Once you see how much money you can save by allocating advertising dollars differently (or increasing sales by adding new products and services), changing your digital marketing strategy is easy.  


While SEO and PPC can be used independently to significant effect, using them together can create an even more powerful force that drives better results for your business. By understanding the benefits of using SEO and PPC together, you can develop a strategy that will help you achieve your marketing goals. Have you tried using both SEO and PPC together in your marketing? What were the results? Let us know in the comments below!

February 22, 2022
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