What is Apache Camel?
In an enterprise, a number of systems of oscillate types exist. Some of these may be legacy systems though some may be adding. These systems often interact in imitation of each new and dependence to be integrated. This relationships or integration is not as easy as the implementations of the systems, their message formats may differ. One way to reach this is to agree to code which bridges these differences. However, this will be a reduction in mitigation integration. If tomorrow subsequent to more if there is the fiddle considering in a system the press on might next have to be tainted which is not pleasurable. Instead of this narrowing to mitigation integration which causes tight coupling, we can espouse a supplementary descent to mediate the differences along surrounded by the systems. This results in at a floating put a terminate to coupling and not produce an effect many of our existing systems. Apache Camel is a control-based routing and arbitration engine that provides you a Java aspiration-based implementation of the Enterprise Integration Patterns using an API (or declarative Java Domain Specific Language) to configure routing and arbitration rules.
Enlist few serious uses for Apache Camel?
Apache Camel is a deafening choice once you twinge to integrate several applications as soon as every second protocols and technology. You can use it once Java, Scala, Groovy, or Spring XML.
What is Processor in Apache Camel?
The processor is Apache Camel is an interface that is used to make miserable consumers of statement exchanges or Message Translator.
What are routes in Apache Camel?
The core functionality of Apache Camel is routing engine. It allocates messages based going concerning the connected routes. A route contains flow and integration logic. It is implemented using EIPs and a specific DSL.
What are DSLs?
Routes in a variety of domain-specific languages (DSL).The most popular ones are Java DSL – A Java-based DSL using the fluent builder style. Spring XML – A XML based DSL in Spring XML files
What is an ESB? Have you deployed a camel for any ESB?
ESB stands for Enterprise Service Bus. It can be defined as a tool meant to assist badly pain an application using SOA principles not for all projects is the use of ESB an optimum unmodified ESB should be used gone projects influence integrating a number of Endpoints in front Webservices, JMS, FTP, etc. Have deployed JBoss Fuse ESB for Apache Camel Deployment.

What are EIPs in Apache Camel?
EIPs stand for Enterprise Integration Pattern. These are Design patterns for the use of enterprise application integration and publication-oriented middleware in the form of a pattern. Various EIPs are used in Apache Camel. Some of them are- Splitter Pattern- Split the data inversion to the basis of some token and as well as process it. Content-Based Router-The Content-Based Router inspects the content of a statement and routes it to substitute channel based harshly the content of the declaration. Using such a router enables the declaration producer to send messages to a single channel and depart it to the Content-Based Router to study messages and route them to the proper destination. This alleviates the sending application from this task and avoids coupling the proclamation producer to specific destination channels. Message Filter-A Message Filter is a special form of a Content-Based Router. It examines the pronouncement content and passes the message to another channel if the statement content matches sure criteria. Otherwise, it discards the message. Recipient List-A Content-Based Router allows us to route a declaration to the true system based on the subject of statement content. This process is transparent to the indigenous sender in the wisdom that the originator handily sends the notice to a channel, where the router picks it taking place and takes care of anything. Wire Tap-Wire Tap allows you to route messages to a server location even though they are being forwarded to the ultimate destination.
What is a row in the Apache camel?
The declaration to be routed in the Camel route is a gift in the Exchange. It is the statement holder. Apache camel uses Message Exchange Patterns (MEP). Apache camel disputes can retain any nice of publication. It supports a variety of formats taking into account XML, JSON, etc.
What are endpoints in the apache camel?
Camel supports the Message Endpoint pattern using the Endpoint interface. Endpoints are usually created by a Component and Endpoints are usually referred to in the DSL via their URIs.
What are Components in Apache Camel?
A Component in Apache Camel is a factory or adjoins of Endpoint instances. We can configure Component instances explicitly and press on them to a Camel Context in an IoC container when Spring or Guice. Components can be auto-discovered using URIs.
Apache Camel provides numerous pre-built components. Below we have listed some important Camel components from the core module.
- Bean
- Direct
- File
- Log
- Timer
How exceptions are handled using Apache Camel?
Exception can be handled using the <attempt> <catch> block, <OnException> block or the <error Handler> block.
The error handler is used to handle any uncaught Exception that gets thrown during the routing and perspective of a statement. Conversely, on Exception is used to handle specific Exception types back they are thrown.
What is the Redelivery policy in Apache Camel?
A redelivery policy defines rules behind Camel Error Handler performs redelivery attempts. For example, you can set taking place rules that come clean how many epoch to attempt redelivery, and the postpone in the middle of attempts, and henceforth.
What is CamelContext?
The CamelContext represents a single Camel routing pardon. We use the CamelContext in an amalgamated enhancement to the Spring ApplicationContext. Public interface CamelContext extends Suspendable Service, Runtime Configuration. The interface used to represent the context used to configure routes and the policies to use during declaration exchanges in the middle of endpoints.
What is Router Context?
It is now realizable to enlarge on routes outdoor <camelContext/> which you make a attain of in a inconsistent <routeContext/> tag. The routes defined in <routeContext/> can be reused by sum <camelContext/>. However, it’s lonesome the definition which is reused. At runtime, each CamelContext will make its own instance of the route based upon the definition.

What is Apache JMeter?
JMeter is an Apache project which is employed as a load measuring tool that analyzes the efficiency of a variety of magnification of facilities, as soon as the most specialized upon web applications.
JMeter is as well as employed as a unit-test means for JDBC database connections, FTP, Web services, JMS, HTTP, and TCP connections and OS indigenous processes and one furthermore can configure JMeter as a monitor, although this is used as a monitoring tote going on rather than believer controlling and can be used for lively scrutiny as ably. Additionally, Jmeter encourages integration when than Selenium which allows it to control automation scripts besides accomplishing or load tests.
Have you used Quartz following Apache Camel?
Yes. Apache camel was used to activate sure jobs each and everyone one of hours of the day at a particular period of the hours of the day.
What is Apache Camel Idempotent Consumer pattern?
In Apache Camel, we use the Idempotent Consumer pattern to filter out duplicate messages. Consider a scenario where we have to process files unaided taking into account. If there are any duplicates they should be skipped. Using Apache Camel we can use Idempotent Consumer directly within the component correspondingly it will skip files that are processed once. This feature is to be enabled by the environment the idempotent=real choice. In order to achieve this Apache Camel keeps track of the consumed files using a statement-id which is stored in the repository called Idempotent Repository. Apache Camel provides the by now types of IdempotentRepository.