Apache Ambari is a right to the use-source platform that supports and complements Hadoop for provisioning and managing Hadoop clusters. As per the puff survey, Ambari has taken a sustained allowance of not quite 49.30%. Hence from the Hadoop administration viewpoint, it is necessary to learn Apache Ambari. Thus if you are preparing for your adjacent-door Hadoop job interview as a Hadoop administrator make yourself ready to position Apache Ambari Interview Questions.
This portion contains rarefied and practical Interview Questions of Ambari, intended by the Ambari specialist. These all are researched questions which will intensely forward you to press on.
Some Common Apache Ambari Interview Questions and Answers
The ahead of time questions and answers of Apache Ambari are based on the order of the subject of the basic concepts of Ambari and applicable for all roles.
The bearing in mind is the most asked Ambari Interview Questions and Answers, which will serve both fresher’s and experienced. Let us discuss these questions and answers for Apache Ambari
What Is Apache Ambari?
The Apache Ambari is nothing but a project which is solely focused to make life easy though using the Hadoop doling out system.
This software helps or provides a comfort zone in terms of the plus aspect:
1. Provisioning
2. Managing
3. Monitoring Hadoop clusters
4. Provides intuitive interface
5. It is backed going on by RESTful APIs.
6. Provides an understandable Hadoop dealing out web UI
Name some best features of Ambari.
Features are:
- Pre-configured dynamic metrics
- User-clear configuration
- Authentication
- Monitoring
- Platform independent
- Pluggable component
- Version dispensation and restructure
- Extensibility
- Failure recovery
- Security

Why should you use Apache Ambari as a Hadoop fanatic or system administrator?
There is incorporation sustain that a Hadoop devotee can achieve by using Apache Ambari.
Using Ambari a system administrator can
- Install Hadoop across any number of hosts using a step-step wizard provided by Ambari even though the Ambari handles the configuration for the Hadoop installation.
- Centrally control the Hadoop facilities across the cluster using Ambari.
- Efficiently monitor the status and health of the Hadoop cluster leveraging the Ambari metrics system. Additionally, the Ambari supple framework provides timely notification concerning any system issues along in addition to disk freshen situation or a node dealing out status.
- Integrate the functionalities mentioned above in an application using Ambari RESTful APIs.
Explain the far and wide afield along p.s. of Apache Ambari?
We have seen the all-powerful usage of data analysis which brings massive clusters in place, due to the increasing demand for huge data technologies behind Hadoop. Hence, more visibility companies are aslant towards the technologies in the sky of Apache Ambari, for augmented handing out of these clusters subsequently than enhanced in engross efficiency.
In a merge in crime, Horton Works is energetic on the subject of Ambari to make it more scalable. Thus, gaining knowledge of Apache Ambari is a subsidiary advantage taking into consideration Hadoop after that.
What is the on the go systems supported by Apache Ambari?
Apache Ambari supports the 64-bit symbol of the following Operating Systems:
- CentOS 6 and 7
- RHEL (Redhat Enterprise Linux) 6 and 7
- SLES (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) 11
- Ubuntu 12 and 14
- OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux) 6 and 7
- Debian 7
What are the purposes of using the Ambari shell?
Ambari Supports:
- All the functionalities which are to hand through the Ambari web-app.
- It supports the context-au fast availability of commands.
- Sufficiency of description.
- Also, it offers optional and required parameter retain.
Can you control by Apache Ambari architecture?
Apache Ambari consists of considering major components-
Ambari Server
Ambari Agent
Ambari Web
The Ambari server handles all the metadata, and it consists of an instance of the Postgres database as shown in the figure. Each host in the cluster contains one copy of the Ambari agent through which the Ambari server controls each host.
An Ambari agent is a supple enthusiast of the host which sends heartbeats from the nodes to the Ambari server along taking into account merged thriving metrics to probe the health status of the nodes.
Ambari Web UI is a client-side JavaScript application that periodically accesses the Ambari RESTful API to play a role cluster operations. Moreover, it helps in asynchronous communication after that the application and the server using the RESTful API.
What are the layers of Hadoop components are supported by Apache Ambari and what are they?
Three layers are there of Hadoop components which are supported by Apache Ambari, and these are as follows:
1. Hadoop core components
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
2. Essential Hadoop components
Apache Pig
Apache Hive
Apache HCatalog
Apache HBase
Apache ZooKeeper
3. Components of Hadoop money
Apache Oozie
Apache Sqoop
What is a repository in Apache Ambari?
A repository is a hosted appearance for Ambari software packages for downloading and installing purposes. Apache provides various versions of repositories that are OS-specific. Moreover, based upon internet accessibility, you can access either of the two formats of repositories:
Tarball (.tar format, if you don’t have internet access)
Repo file(.repo format for performing arts internet access)
What are other types of Ambari repositories?
There are mainly four types of Ambari Repositories as listed under
1. Ambari: This repository is used for the Ambari Server, the monitoring software packages, and the Ambari agent.
2. HDP-UTILS: This repository is used for Ambari and HDP foster packages
3. HDP: The repository to host Hadoop Stack packages
4. Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux( EPEL): The repository subsequent to a supplementary set of packages for the Enterprise Linux
What is a local repository and following will you use it?
A local repository is a hosted look in the local mood for Ambari software packages. This is mainly used next to the enterprise clusters that have no or limited outbound Internet entrance.
What is the advance of air taking place in a local repository?
First and foremost by character taking place in a local repository, you can entry Ambari software packages without internet access. Along behind that, you can achieve support considering
Enhanced governance taking into account augmented installation take effect
Routine appendix-installation cluster operations behind further begin and restart operations
Explain swing simulation cycle commands in Ambari.
Apache Ambari has a defined set of computer graphics cycle commands to grow, cut off or reconfigures any of the services and these are
What are the tools you dependence to construct Ambari?
Following tools are required to construct Ambari
Apache Maven 3.3.9 or far along
Python 2.6 or incorporation
Node JS
Xcode in the battle of Mac
What are the rotate tools used for Ambari monitoring purposes?
There are two dealings-source monitoring tools in Ambari
What are the particular functionalities of
Ganglia in Ambari?
The functionalities of Ganglia in
Ambari are
- Monitoring the cluster
- Identify trending patterns
- Collect the metrics in the clusters
- To maintenance detailed heatmaps
- What are the particular functionalities of Nagios in Ambari?
- The functionalities of Nagios in Ambari are
- Health checking of the nodes and sending alerts
- To send open emails as any of the notifications types or encourage type.
Explain some of the basic commands used for the Apache Ambari server?
Following commands are used for Apache Ambari server
To begin the Ambari Server:
Gambari-server creation
To check the Ambari Server processes:
ps -ef | grep Ambari
To decline them Ambari Server:
ambari-server decrease
Before Deploying The Hadoop Instance, What Are The Checks That An Individual Should Do?
The with is the list of items that quirk to be checked at the forefront actually deploying the Hadoop instance:
1. Check for existing installations
2. Set going on password less SSH
3. Enable NTP coarsely speaking the clusters
4. Check for DNS
5. Disable the SELinux
6. Disable iptables
What Is Nagios Is Used In Ambari?
It is one of the tools that are used in Ambari, it is mainly used for the merged to anxiety for:
1. First and foremost it is used for health checking and alerts plot
2. The athletic emails can be one of notifications type, support type, host blazing, etc
How is recovery achieved in Ambari?
Recovery happens in Ambari in the moreover ways:
Based in remarks to activities
In Ambari after a restart master checks for pending undertakings and reschedules them previously all assimilation out is persisted here. Also, the master rebuilds the come clean machines at the back there is a restart, as the cluster market is persisted in the database. While lawsuit beautifies master actually catastrophe in the in front recording their take keep busy, along amid there is a race condition. Well, the events should be idempotent this is a special consideration taken. And, that behavior which have not marked as ensue happening or have unsuccessful in the DB, the master restarts them. We can see these persisted activities in Redo Logs.
Based approaching the desired make known
While there is a restart the master tries to make the cluster in the flesh and blood publicize you will be surrounded by more to in as per the desired freshen appendix as the desired own going in savings account to for of the cluster is persisted by the master.
How is Ambari swing from Zookeeper?
Some differences in the middle of them
Basic Task
a. Apache Ambari
Monitoring, provisioning, and managing
Hadoop cluster.
b. Apache ZooKeeper
Maintaining configuration information,
naming, and synchronizing of the cluster.
a. Apache Ambari
The Web interface
b. Apache Zookeeper
The Open-source server.
What are the oscillate ways you can use to
repair a cluster using Ambari?
Following are the ways that can be used to
fasten a cluster using Ambari
- For network security, we can enable Kerberos authentication from Ambari
- By installing Ranger and configuring primarily credited confession from Ambari
- We can configure Ambari to use Knox SSO
- We can set happening SSL for Ambari
What is the Ambari shell and what are the
purposes of using it?
It is a Java-based command-descent tool that uses Groovy-based Ambari REST client, and the Spring Shell framework to slay commands. The shell supports
- The functionalities user-user-comprehensible through Ambari web-app
- context-going in this area to date availability of commands
- leisure entertain of impinge upon
- optional and required parameter hold
What the amassed tasks you can slant of view
for managing host using Ambari host parable?
Using the Hosts tab, we can play a
role as soon as tasks:
- Analyzing Host Status
- Searching the Hosts Page
- Performing Host similar Actions
- Managing Host Components
- Decommissioning a Master node or Slave node
- Deleting a Component
- Setting taking area Maintenance Mode
- Adding or removing Hosts to a Cluster
- Establishing Rack Awareness

What tasks you can skill for managing services using the Ambari subsidiary bank account?
Answer: using the Services report, we can do the bearing in mind tasks:
- Start and Stop of All Services
- Display of Service Operating Summary
- Adding a Service
- Configuration Settings regulate
- Performing Service Actions
- Rolling Restarts
- Background Operations monitoring
- Service removal
- Auditing operations
- Using Quick Links
- YARN Capacity Scheduler refresh
- HDFS presidency
- Atlas approach in a Storm Environment
Can Ambari control fused clusters?
No, as of now Ambari can counsel unaccompanied one cluster. However, we can remotely view the views of totaling clusters in a similar instance.