What is Hyperion Financial Management?
Oracle Hyperion Financial Management is a comprehensive, Web-based application that deliversglobal financial consolidation, reporting and analysis in a single, highly scalable softwaresolution. Oracle Hyperion Financial Management utilizes today’s most advanced technology, yetis built to be owned and maintained by the enterprise’s finance team.
What are the benefits of the Hyperion Financial Management?
Accelerate reporting cycles – Reduce closing cycles by days, deliver more timely resultsto internal and external stakeholders.
Improve transparency and compliance – Helps reduce the cost of compliance (asstipulated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, electronic filing, and other regulatoryrequirements) and support disclosure requirements, such as sustainability reporting
Perform strategic analysis – Spend less time on processing and more time on value-addedanalysis
Deliver a single truth – Provide a single version of the truth to support financialmanagement and statutory reporting
Easily integrate – Integrate not only with Hyperion products but also with your existinginfrastructure.
Define Hyperion?
Hyperion is Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Performance Management (BPM ) tool. It isthe market leader in Operational , Financial and Strategic Planning. It contains the applicationsfor reporting, Planning , dashboards, Analysis, score carding, consolidation, Workspace, MasterData Management and Foundation.
Explain Olap and mention if it is related to HYPERION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ?
Hyperion HFM/ Hyperion Planning both are Essbase based. They are front-end tech andEss-base is the back end. Ess-base is a M-OLAP. There are three types of OLAPtechnology present in the market. These are ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP.
An example of ROLAP is BO. Here we deal with table and they acts as a virtual cube.But if we think about Oracle Express Hyperion Essbase and Cognos then they are realcubes. Thus MOLAP. ROLAP+MOLAP=HOLAP.
In case of BO, we need to join to attain the OLAP effect virtually but behind is a joinedtable. But in Case of MOLAP there is no concept of table it is cube only.
For example a page is a table then a Book is a Cube.
In Machine profile which user id and Password will give?
we have to give admin and password or machine name also provided in machine profile.
Is it possible to organize one-to-many mapping in FDM?
yes it is possible.
Which data base consists in Financial data quality management?
Relational database management system (RDBMS)
Where the data stores in the FDM application?
Each FDM Application contains four directories. 1) inbox 2) outbox 3) data 4) reports.
These are the directories which stores the data.
What are the types of mapping?
Explicit, in, like, and between mappings.
Explicit mapping is called one – one mapping and between mapping is called one – many mapping.
How to access the FDM web client?
Open the Hyperion FDM Web Client by selecting Programs oracle EPM Financial Data Quality
Management Web Server Components Web Logon.
Where you have to getting or importing the data to FDM?
By importing GL files or from other external data sources.
Explain the data load process in FDM?
Please explain about import, export, validate and check.
The Hyperion FDM desktop is the control center from where a Hyperion FDM application is built and administered.
The desktop has three main areas: Screen Indicator, Hyperion FDM Menus, and the POV bar.
Hyperion fdm contains two types of locations
Data load
Controls review.
Location that accepts the data from source file and loads the data by mapping rules to the target file.
What are the methods to build maps?
Build maps internally with in fdm.
Build maps externally import to fdm.
Copy existing location map to other location.
Assign mapped location is parent to other location.