What is the diff b/w object based programming and object Oriented programming Language?
If the programming methodology supports encapsulation, Inheritance and polymorphism then, it is called Object Oriented programming language, it supports code extendibility.
What are the fundamental concepts of oops?
What is an optional in Swift and how it helps?
An optional is used to let a variable of any type represent the lack of value. In Objective-C, the absence of value is available in reference types only, and it uses the nil special value. Value types, such as int or float, do not have such ability.
What is Completion Handler?
Completions handlers are super convenient when our app is making an API call, and we need to do something when that task is done, like updating the UI to show the data from the API call. We’ll see completion handlers in Apple’s APIs like dataTaskWithRequest and they can be pretty handy in your own code.
What is encapsulation and it’s Advantage?
Grouping related thing together is called Encapsulation, we can achieve portably.
What is Singleton Pattern?
The Singleton design pattern ensures that only one instance exists for a given class and that there’s a global access point to that instance. It usually uses lazy loading to create the single instance when it’s needed the first time.
How to implement the encapsulation in c#?
By using class, struct, properties, interface etc.
What is Data Hiding?
Hiding unnecessary details from the user.
Closures – value or reference types?
Closures are reference types. If a closure is assigned to a variable and the variable is copied into another variable, a reference to the same closure and its capture list is also copied.
What is Abstraction?
Hiding complete implementation details from the user is called abstraction. Due to abstraction user will feel comfortable while working with the product.
What is Core Data?
Core data is an object graph manager which also has the ability to persist object graphs to the persistent store on a disk. An object graph is like a map of all the different model objects in a typical model view controller iOS application.
What is the default access modifier for the members of the class?
what is the default access modifier for the members of the struct?
What is Constructor?
Constructor is a special method in the class, which is used to initialize the instance variables to some meaning full initial values, when the class is instantiated.
Why the name of Constructor and class is same?
For easy identification purpose of the compiler.
What is AutoLayout?
AutoLayout provides a flexible and powerful layout system that describes how views and the UI controls calculate the size and position in the hierarchy.
What are frame works are used in iphone?
(a). Ui kit framework
(b). Map kit framework
(c). ADI kit framework
(d). Core data framework
(e).core foundation framework
What is data encapsulation?
Data is contained within objects and is not accessible by any other than
via methods defined on the class is called data encapsulation.
What are accessor methods?
Accessor methods are methods belonging to a class that allow to get and set
The values of instance valuables contained within the class.