What is rendezvous point?
To emulate peak load on the server.
This function is used to stress a particular element of the infrastructure, for example you might want to design a test where 100 vusers simultaneously hit a button to transfer some funds.
What is the load runner testing process?
There are 5 steps.
1. Test requirements
2.Test planning.
3. Test Automation (Script).
4. Test execution.
5. Analysis (report).
What is vugen?
It is a load runner vuser script generator (use for recording the data base vuser script)
It is used to generate and enhance the vuser business script for all the scenarios which are in scope.
How you edit the script?
While editing the script we have to inserting the transaction point and rendezvous point. Recorded script which contains the interaction between the client and server is edited by added the following:
1. Parameterization
2. Correlation
3. Transactions (Start/End)
4. Validations
5. Rendezvous point
6. Variable Declarations
What are the load runner end transaction and its syntax?What are the load runner start-transaction and its syntax?
It will start the transaction on the script. Syntax. Lr-start-transaction (“transaction name”).
Syntax: lr_start_transaction transaction name”);
For ex: lr_start_transaction(“Launch_Application”);
This function starts recording the traffic response time between the client and server until it find its lr_end_transaction.
It will end the transaction. Syntax. Lr-end-transaction (“transaction name”, lr-auto).
Syntax: lr_end_transaction (“transaction name”, LR_AUTO/LR_PASS/LR_FAIL);
How to call WinRunner script in loadrunner?
1. Create a scenario by replacing the VUser script with the GUI WinRunner script.
2. Select Host->Details options from menu
3. Enable the check box for GUI Winrunner (Mandatory to run the WR Script)
4. Exe…
What are the types of parameterization in load runner?
There are various types of parameterization in Load Runner. They are
1. Date
2. Random Number
3. Unique Number
4. File
What is report header and what is the information contains?
It display general scenario information and it contain the information like (title, scenario, result start time, end time and duration).
What is scenario wizard?
Through scenario wizard we can create a new scenario.
Scenario wizard is a platform for creating new scenarios.
What is smart object recognition?
Smart object recognition is used to identify the GUI objects in the screen. When u recording
the script automatically the object recogniser records the objects in the screen.
What is report viewer?
Each report viewer contains the report header and report viewer tool bar.
Report viewer is a report which contains report viewer tool bar and report header.
How to modify the script?
Using vuser script information dialog box.
We can modify script by using vuser scripting information dialog box.
What is script list?
It contain all the vuser script that vuser can run.
It is a list which contains the user’s script which the user can run.
During run time where the hosts saves the files.
In temporally in the local drive of each host.
During run time the hosts saves the files temporally in the local drive of each host.
What is load testing?
Load testing is to test that if the application works fine with the loads that result from large number of simultaneous users, transactions and to determine whether it can handle peak usage periods.
What are the components of LoadRunner?
The components of LoadRunner are The Virtual User Generator, Controller, and the Agent process, LoadRunner Analysis and Monitoring, LoadRunner Books Online.
Why do you create parameters?What is a scenario?
A scenario defines the events that occur during each testing session. For example, scenario defines and controls the number of users to emulate, the actions to be performed, and the machines on which the virtual users run their emulations.
Parameters are like script variables. They are used to vary input to the server and to emulate real users. Different sets of data are sent to the server each time the script is run. Better simulate the usage model for more accurate testing from the Controller; one script can emulate many different users on the system.