What’s Directory Service?
DAP: Directory Access Protocol
LDAP: light-weight Directory Access Protocol
What’s Active Directory?
Active directory is that the Directory Service of Microsoft that keeps data concerning the whole Network Objects, similar to Domain Controllers, Computers, Users, Groups, Shared Resources, Printers etc. we are able to say it’s single unified read of entire networks objects and resources or it’s data Hub of the whole network.
What are the Active Directory main features?
Active Directory allows single register to access resources on the network similar to desktops, shared files, printers etc. Active Directory provides advanced security for the whole network and its resources. Active Directory is a lot of scalable and versatile for administration.
What does one mean by Active Directory useful levels? However will it facilitate Associate in nursing organization’s network functionality?
Functional levels facilitate the being of Active Directory versions similar to, Windows NT, Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server2008. The useful level of a site or forest controls that advanced options are on the market within the domain or forest. Though lowest useful levels facilitate to be with heritage Active Directory, it’ll disable a number of the new options of Active Directory. however if you’re fixing a brand new Active Directory atmosphere with latest version of Windows Server and AD, you’ll be able to set to the very best useful level, so all the new AD practicality are enabled.
What are the Domain and Forest useful levels of Windows Server 2003 AD?
Windows Server 2003 Domain useful Levels: Windows 2000 mixed (Default), Windows 2000 native, Windows Server 2003 interim, and Windows Server 2003. Forest useful Levels: Windows 2000 (default), Windows Server 2003interim, Windows Server.
What square measure the Domain and Forest practical levels of Windows Server 2008 AD?
Windows Server 2008 Domain practical Levels: Windows 2000 Native, Windows Server 2003, WindowsServer2008, and Windows Server 2008R2.Forest practical Levels: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2.
The way to add further Domain Controller in an exceedingly remote website with slower WAN link?
It is potential to require a backup copy of existing Domain Controller, and restore it in Windows Server machine within the remote locations with slower WAN link.
However can we install Active Directory in Windows seven and Windows eight Computer?
Active Directory is meant for Server software, and it can’t be put in on Windows seven.
What square measure the stipulations to put in Active Directory in an exceedingly Server?
Windows Server software. Free fixed disk area with NTFS partition. body privilege on the PC. Network reference to informatics address,
Sub-net Mask, entranceway and DNS address. A DNS server that may be put in alongside 1st Domain Controller. Windows Server installation CD or i386 folder
What are FSMO roles? (Or what square measure Single Master Operations / versatile Single Master Operations / Operations Master Role / SMO / OMR?)
Flexible Single-Master Operation (FSMO) roles, manage a facet of the domain or forest, to stop conflicts, that square measure handled by Single domain controllers in domain or forest. The tasks that don’t seem to be suited to multi-master replication, There square measure five FSMO roles, and Schema Master and Domain naming master roles square measure handled by one domain controller in an exceedingly forest, and PDC, disembarrass master and Infrastructure master roles square measure handled by one domain controller in every domain.
Make a case for Infrastructure Master Role. What’s going to be the impact if DC with Infrastructure Master Role goes down?
Infrastructure master role could be a domain-specific role and its purpose is to make sure that cross-domain object references square measure properly handled. For instance, if you add a user from one domain to a security cluster from a unique domain, the Infrastructure Master makes positive this is often done properly. Infrastructure master doesn’t have any functions to try and do in an exceedingly single domain surroundings. If the Domain controller with Infrastructure master role goes down in an exceedingly single domain surroundings, there’ll be no impact in the slightest degree. Whereas, in an exceedingly complicated surroundings with multiple domains, it should impact creation and modification of teams and cluster authentication.
I would like to market a brand new extra Domain Controller in Associate in Nursing existing domain. That are the teams I ought to be a member of?
You ought to be a member of Enterprise Admins cluster or the Domain Admins cluster. Conjointly you ought to be member of native directors cluster of the member server that you’re planning to promote as extra Domain Controller.
Tell ME one easiest method to envision all the five FSMO roles.
Use Netcom question /domain: Your Domain FSMO command. it’ll list all the FSMO role handling domain controllers
Am I able to assemble 2 free masters in an exceedingly domain?
No, there ought to be only 1 Domain Controller handling free master role in an exceedingly Domain.
Tell me one easiest method to envision all the five FSMO roles.
Use netdom question /domain: Your Domain FSMO command. it’ll list all the FSMO role handling domain controllers
Am I able to assemble 2 free masters in an exceedingly domain?
No, there ought to be only 1 Domain Controller handling free master role in an exceedingly Domain.
Can I assemble 2 Infrastructure Master Role in an exceedingly forest? If affirmative, please justify.
There ought to be only 1 Domain Controller handling Infrastructure master role in an exceedingly domain. Therefore if you’ve got 2 domains in an exceedingly forest, you’ll assemble 2 Infrastructure masters, one in every domain
What is going to be the impact on the network if Domain Controller with PDC soul crashes?
If PDC soul crashes, there’ll be immediate impact on the atmosphere. User authentication can fail as secret changes won’t get settled, and there’ll be frequent account keep out problems. Network time synchronization is going to be compact. it’ll additionally impact DFS consistency and cluster policy replication still
What are the physical parts of Active Directory?
Domain controllers and Sites. Domain controller’s are physical computers that is running Windows Server software and Active Directory information base. Sites ar a network phase supported geographical location and that contains multiple domain controllers in every site18.
What are the logical parts of Active Directory?
Domains, structure Units, trees and forests are logical parts of Active Directory