What is a primary index?
Primary index: the primary index contains the key fields of a table and a pointer to the non-key fields of the table. The primary index is created automatically when a table is created in the database and you can further define a reference to the primary index which is known as the secondary index.
What is data class?
The data class specifies in which table space the table is created in the database.
What is a pooled table in sap?
A pool table has many to one relation with the table in the database. For one table in the database, there are many tables in the dictionary. The table in the database has a different name than the table in the data dict, it has a different no of fields, and field names are different. A pooled table is stored in the pool at the database level. A table pool is a database table with a special strut that enables the data of many R3 tables to be stored in it. It can hold only pooled tables.
What is the transparent table?
A transparent table has a one-to-one relationship in the database. The table in the dictionary has the same name, and the same no of fields, and the fields have the same name as in the R3 table defn. A transparent table has application data (Master and Transaction).
What is a buffer and how many types?
Buffer is nothing but which stores data temporarily. there are two types of buffers. they are Roll and Page areas.
What is a table maintenance generator and how to create that? What is the transaction code?
A table maintenance generator is nothing but making a table available for adding records and deleting records. The transaction code used is SM30.
What are lock objects?
Lock objects are nothing but which hold a data for particular field value until you remove a lock..
What is modeling?
It is the art of designing the database. The design of DB depends on the schema and the schema is defined as a representation of tables and their relationships.
What is an info cube?
Info cube is structured as star schema (extended) where a fact table is surrounded by different dim tables that are linked with DIM-ids. And the data-wise, you will have aggregated data in the cubes.
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How would you optimize the dimensions?
We should define as many dimensions as possible and we have to take care that no single dimension crosses more than 20% of the fact table size.
What are Conversion Routines for units and currencies in the update rule?
Using this option we can write ABAP code for Units / Currencies conversion. If we enable this flag then a unit of Key Figure appears in the ABAP code as an additional parameter. For example, we can convert units in Pounds to Kilos.
Difference between top-of-page and top-of-page during at-line- selection?
Top-of-page is a header on the primary list. Top-of-page during line selection is a header on secondary lists
How many types of internal tables are there?
Standard, Hashed, Sorted tables
What is the difference between hashed & sorted internal tables?
Sorted internal table works on Binary Search and Hashed internal tables work on hashed algorithm through indexes.
What is the difference between standard and sorted internal tables?
A sorted table improves the performance in case of a huge table that has no: records
When do you need to create an internal table with a header line? and without a header line?
If we don’t want to use any explicit work area then it’s better to go for an internal table with a header line.
what exactly is ABAP?
ABAP stands for Advanced Business Application Programming, originally Allgemeiner Berichts-Aufbereitungs-Prozessor, German for “general report creation processor”.
Define SAP BW/BI?
SAP BW/BI is a Business Information Warehouse, also called business intelligence. It allows the user to examine information from operative SAP applications also from other business
What are the main areas and activities in SAP/BI?
Data Warehouse: Integrating, collecting, and managing the entire company’s data.
Analyzing and Planning: Using the data stored in the data warehouse.
Broadcast publishing: To send the information to the employees using email, fax, etc.
Reporting: BI provides the tools for reporting in web-browser, excel, etc
Define Operational Data Store?
ODS is mostly used for large storage of data. It is a BW architectural module that appears between the Persistent Staging Area and info cubes.
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