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SAP HR Interview Questions

What is knowledge transfer in the sap hr module?

Knowledge Transfer is a general terminology. It means that you disseminate the knowledge that you have. Say you are teaching one module to another person. You are the giver and the other person is the receiver of knowledge. The process is Knowledge Transfer. You are transferring the subject that you know. KT is not specific to any module.

How would record time in your SAP HR system?

We can record time using one of the following methods
-Online by time administrators
-Separate time recording systems
-Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)
-Employee Self-Service (ESS) applications
-Customer systems with an interface to the R/3 System

How does any company use an organizational plan?

The company organization structure and reporting structure are represented through the organization plan. The active plan version is the current plan version and the other plan versions are considered as various planning stages. Used for manpower planning. Normally plan version”01″ is always made the active plan version.

How to group employees for their allowances in payroll?

Go to the basic salary of India in Payroll India and group the employee first depending on the allowances to be paid and this is applied for even differentiating the employees into groups depending on their pay structures.

What are the problems generally faced while posting results to FICO?

Normally mismatching of amount gets posted.

Which are the sub-modules in SAP HR?

Following are the modules in SAP-HR
-Recruitment -Personnel Administration
-Organisation Management
-Personnel Development
-Training and Event Management
-Compensation Management
-Personnel Time Management
-MSS – Manager Self Service
-ESS – Employee Self Service

What is the role of an administrator in PA?

To restrict access to Personnel administration based on PA/PSA.
Administrator: we come across Personnel administration, Time management, and Payroll in SAP.
Each administrator is responsible for each activity. You can get the name of the administrator in the pay slip so the employee for any clarification he can meet the responsible administrator.
This administrator (created in PA of PM) is responsible for recruitment.

How do you differentiate Tax for different countries?

Taxation has so many use exits to be created which means it all happens only from the new versions which SAP Releases.

What activities are possible when the payroll control record is set to “Released for Payroll “?

When you set the status to Released for payroll”‘ you can’t make any changes to master data. It’s released for payroll.

Which Personal Actions have you performed on an employee?

Change Organizational Unit/Position
Change of Pay

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What is a controlling area, what does it do, and how where is it assigned?

The controlling area is under of FI person which helps to set for costing purposes also based on this fiscal variant.

What are the other modules integrated with OM?

OM contains all the modules to be integrated, depending on client requirements it is done. As OM-PA, OM-RRECT, OM-BENEFITS, OM-TRAINING & EVENT MGMT, OM – PD AND OTHERS.

Which characteristics does a day with day type 1 have?

It’s OFF and Paid

How Time management and payroll is is integrated?

TM MGMT and Payroll are integrated in ways are time data is collected from the info type 0007 and these hours are taken in basic as Number of hours worked or utilized, and even with time evaluation, and last with schemas integration.

What is the use of INFOGROUPS?

The info type group (commonly known as Infogroup) guarantees that during the personnel action, all information needed for the business processes is stored. The Infogroup is processed when you perform a personnel action. – An infogroup exists in the standard system for every personnel action type. – In Customizing for Personnel Administration, you can tailor the make-up of the various infogroups to the requirements of your company. – You can define infogroups as user-group dependent. Infogroups are used in Personnel Actions to define a set of sequential info types that you would be using while acting. For example, when you hire, you would want to use IT0000,0001,0002,0006,0007,0008, etc in a sequence- in a particular order. So define an Infogroup for this purpose which contains all these info types, their order of execution,n, and the user groups it is applicable for. Then you assign this infogroup to the action that you had defined.

Is info type 185 country specific, can it be maintained for India, and will it affect the payroll if it is maintained?

We maintain subtypes in table v_t591a. Goto code sm30 -> v_t591a ->
Select maintain -> it will ask you for the info type for which u want to maintain subtype in your case it is 0185.

What are employee subgroups and what are the indicators set up using employee subgroups?

Further division of the employee groups are called the employee subgroups as under employee group 1-Active you could have employee subgroups such as AA–Hourly wage earner, AH–Salaried Employee …. And so on. The indicators are all employee sub-area groupings for hr, time, and payroll which are very critical to the sap hr implementation. They are also used to limit HR authorizations.

How do you differentiate Tax for different countries?

Taxation has so many use exits to be created which means it all happens only from the new versions which SAP Releases.

What is the highest level of the enterprise structure?

The client is the highest level of the enterprise structure.

What are the attributes of objects? Is vacancy a common attribute for all objects?

Attributes of an object are the properties of the object by which it is described. The OM objects have some common attributes like Description, Relationship, Account Assignment, Work Schedule, etc, and some unique attributes like Vacancy assignment which is only for the OM object position.

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February 20, 2025
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