Where do I find information on Solution Manager?
It is one more server apart from the R/3 System
Explain what is SAP solution manager?
SAP solution manager provides you the functionalities like the integrated content, methodologies, tools, etc. to implement, operate, monitor, and support an enterprise’s SAP solution. SAP solution manager manages the SAP and Non-SAP solutions in the IT landscapes of an organization.
Does Solution Manager come, If you install ECC5.0 or ECC6.0?
ECC5.0 or ECC6.0 and My Sap are the software bundles and the Solution Manager is a part of the Software Bundle
Yes, you need to install it separately apart from R/3 or ECC5.0 or ECC6.0 please – then you would understand or utility of the actual advantage of Solution Manager, please.
From an interview point of view, what should I know about solution manager, ECC6.0 and ECC5.0?
It depends on what u want to study for the interview – like Early watch reports – Configuration of SM – Data Flow – RFC connection -IDOCS – ALE and many please.
What are the different bundles of ECC?
They are different bundles of Software
ECC6.0 and ECC5.0, ECC 6 is more advanced or latest.
List out the main components of the SAP solution manager
The main components of an SAP solution manager include
Gateway to SAP
What does the Tool component deliver?
Tools: It gives central access to the tools you require to implement your business solution. For example Business Blueprint, Roadmap, Project administration,
Provision testing
Support and maintenance
Monitoring and optimization
Change Control
Problem Management
What does the Content component deliver?
Content: It is a collection of information about the business process and stored in various formats. The content manager structures and manages this information
Best Practices
What does the Gateway to SAP component deliver?
Gateway to SAP: You manage and monitor systems and business processes in your solution landscape in operational processing
SAP Active Global Support
SAP development
Service delivery platform
What is the use of the Centralized Administration Work Center?
This is used to manage central access to all functions for administrative tasks.
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What are the key features that are supported in SAP Solution Manager7.2?
New User Interfaces
New Release management
ITSM and Change Request Management
Adapt SAP HANA to your landscape
New Process Management
Enhanced Cloud Support
What is a work center in SAP Solman? What are different functions that you can perform using Work Center?
To perform role-specific functions, you can use Work Centers in SAP Solution Manager. Work Centers are work environments that allow you to access role specific options. You can access different options like alerts, notifications, messages, and reports as per the assigned role.
Explain what is SAP solution manager diagnostics?
SAP solution manager diagnostics are a group of tools to monitor and analyze SAP systems. The main tools are workload analysis, exception analysis, trace analysis, and change analysis.
Mention the benefits of SAP Solution Manager?
Benefits of SAP Manager Solution include
Automated configuration tracking
Easy Integration
Faster ROI
Reduced administration effort
Improved patch and upgrade management
Automated Alerts
Lowering cost
Centralized management
Automated Alerts
Explain how SAP Solution Manager helps in testing?
SAP solution manager helps in speeding up test preparation and execution. It gives a single point of access to the complete system landscape and allows the centralized storage of testing materials and test results to support cross-component testing.
List out the features of the business blueprint?
The features of the business blueprint include
BluePrint Structure
Business Process Group
Associated Items
Business Scenarios
Blueprint document
Mention what key approaches are supported by the SAP Solution Manager in the implementation phase?
Process oriented implementation approach is supported by the SAP solution manager in the implementation phase.
Mention the transaction code for project administration in SAP Solution Manager?
For project administration, the transaction code is SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN.
19. What is the transaction code for Business Blueprint in SAP Solution Manager?
For SAP Solution Manager, the t-code for Business Blueprint is Solar01.
Why do you use Work modes in SAP Solution Manager?
You can use various work modes in SAP Solution Manager to perform the following activities
System Migration
Patch upgrades
Customizing changes
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