How does desktop application are connected to metadata server
Using connection profile, Connection profile is a file stored on a desktop that contains the information necessary to connect to your metadata profile.
What is the difference between ‘roles’ and ‘capabilities’ in SAS admin?
Roles determine which user interface elements a user sees when interacting with and application.
The features in applications that provide role-based management are called capabilities.
To prevent someone from having capability, make sure he or she is not in any role that provides that capability.
Is internal authentication alone is sufficient to enable a user to have access to a standard workspace server?
No, because a host account is also required.
Describe 5 ways to do a “table lookup” in SAS.
Match Merging, Direct Access, Format Tables, Arrays, PROC SQL.
How many levels of administrative users are there in SAS.
There are two basic levels of basic administrative users
Administrative: They are subject to metadata layer access control and they have metadata access capabilities that a typical end user does not have.
Unrestrictive users: They can perform tasks when the metadata server is pause for administration and obviously they do have unrestricted access to metadata.
What are some good SAS programming practices for processing very large data sets?
Sampling method using OBS option or sub setting, commenting the Lines, Use Data Null.
What is the difference between role and permission?
Having roles do not affect access to the metadata of data.
Having a certain capability is not an alternative to meeting permission requirements. Permission requirements and capability requirements are cumulative.
How does the internal authentication works in SAS.
At a log-on prompt, say person X enters his internal credentials. The client send those credentials to the metadata server for verification then the metadata server recognizes that the ID is for the internal account , so the metadata server checks the credentials against its list of internal accounts. After validating the ID and the password, the metadata server accepts the client connection. The connection is accepted using the SAS identity associated with the internal account.
How would you create a data set with 1 observation and 30 variables from a data set with 30 observations and 1 variable?
For what purpose would you use the RETAIN statement?
The retain statement is used to hold the values of variables across iterations of the data step. Normally, all variables in the data step are set to missing at the start of each iteration of the data step. What is the order of evaluation of the comparison operators: + – * / ** ()?A) (), **, *, /, +, –
Why is SAS considered self-documenting?
SAS is considered self documenting because during the compilation time it creates and stores all the information about the data set like the time and date of the data set creation later No. of the variables later labels all that kind of info inside the dataset and you can look at that info using proc contents procedure.
What are the validation tools in SAS?
For dataset: Data set name/debugData set: name/stmtchk
For macros: Options:mprint mlogic symbolgen.
What do the PUT and INPUT functions do?
If we omit the INPUT or the PUT function during the data conversion, SAS will detect the mismatched variables and will try an automatic character-to-numeric or numeric-to-character conversion. But sometimes this doesn’t work because $ sign prevents such conversion. Therefore it is always advisable to include INPUT and PUT functions in your programs when conversions occur.
How many users does SAS have globally?
4 million
What is SAS GRAPH?
SAS/GRAPH software creates and delivers accurate, high-impact visuals that enable decision makers to gain a quick understanding of critical business issues.