What is SEO and what are its types?
Search engine optimization or SEO is a process of changing the position of a web page or website in search engine results by using keywords or phrases.
Two Types of SEO are:
a. On Page Optimization
b. Off-Page Optimization
What is the main purpose of using keywords in SEO?
The keyword is a single word, and a combination of those keywords makes phrases. These keywords or phrases are used by search engines to populate the subjects over the internet. Search engine stores keywords in the database, and when a search is done, it will come up with the best possible match.
Name some SEO blogs that you frequently read.
a. Jimboykins
b. Search Engine Land
c. SEOSmarty
d. MOZ
e. Search Engine Journal

How many characters are limited in the Title tag?
We can add 70 characters to the title tag.
Name a few Black Hat SEO techniques.
Link Farming
Hidden text, etc.
Gateway or Doorway pages
Keyword Stuffing
What are the common SEO mistakes while producing digital content?
People usually make the following common SEO mistakes while writing content on digital platforms:
Using wrong words
Problems with redirection
Falling prey of SEO myths
What are the different techniques used in off-page SEO?
There are lots of techniques used in Offpage SEO work. Major Techniques are:
Directory Submission
Social Bookmarking
Blog Post
Article Post
Press Release Submission
Forum Posting
Yahoo Answer
Blog Comment
Deep link Directory Submission
Regional Directory Submission and all that.
What are Meta Tags?
HTML meta tags are usually referred to as tags of page data that sit between
opening and closing head tags of a document’s HTML code. ATheseare
hidden keywords that sit in the code. These are invisible to visitors but are visible
and readable by Search Engines.
<title>Not considered as Meta Tag, even required anyway</title>
<meta name=”description” content=”Write your description here” />
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Write your keyword here” />
What do you know about Black Hat SEO?
To attain a High Ranking on search engine result pages, websites
go for various methods and techniques which are characterized by two
The methods that are implemented and acceptable according to the search
engine guidelines are White Hat SEO, on the other hand, the method
which are less acceptable or instructed to avoid in search engine guidelines
are “Black Hat SEO”.
Can you tell me some Black Hat SEO techniques?
Some Black Hat SEO techniques are:
Keyword Stuffing
Doorway Pages or Gateway Pages
Link Farming
Hidden Text, etc.
Name the bots (spiders) of major search engines?
The name of bots/spiders of Google search engine
is GoogleBot, Yahoo Slurp for Yahoo search, and ingot for Bing
search engine.
What is Cache?
Cache is the process performed by a search engine crawler at a regular
interval of time. It used to scan and take snapshots of each page over the Wide
Web as well as store as a backup copy. Almost every search engine result page
incorporates a cached link for every site. However, clicking over the cached link
shows you the last Google cached version of that specific page rather than of
current version. Also, you can directly prefix
“cache:http://www.webgranth.com” with the desired URL to view its cached
What is cloaking?
Cloaking is a technique which is used in Black Hat SEO that enables
to creation of two distinct pages where the page content being presented to the search
engine spider is different from that which is being presented to the user’s browser.
This technique does not come under the guidelines of search engines.
Do you know about Blog Flipping?
Blog Flipping is the practice of selling a blog when it becomes famous and
popular as well as driving a healthy amount of traffic.
Can you establish a difference between SEM and SEO?
SEO is a set of processes to get our website or page to
appear on the search engine result page. On the other hand, SEM
is search engine marketing being used in practice to purchase
advertising space in search engine page results.
What do you think about social media in SEO strategy?
Social networking websites are considered social media which is
very effective and robust for viral marketing. Viral marketing has been
proved as a very powerful resource, in the case of our content is unique,
attractive and appealing. Some media Site:
Myspace, etc.
How do backlink tools work?
Backlink tools run a series of tests to tell you how many backlinks are pointing to the weblink you entered. Additional information is also being collected like anchor text used, Domain Authority & Trust of the backlink source, and any potential flags or warnings for each link.
Mention what you understand by Frames in HTML.
A Frame in HTML is a technique that divides the content of a page into several parts. Search engines consider Frames as completely different pages which may hurt SEO. We should avoid the usage of Frames and use basic HTML instead.
Mention which is the most important area to include your keywords.
The most important areas to include your keywords are,
Page title
Body text
What are Spiders, Robot, and Crawlers and what are their functions?
Spidersrobotsot, and crawler, are all the same and referred to by different names. It is a software program that follows, or “Crawls” different links throughout the internet, and then grabs the content from the sites and adds it to the search engine indexes.
What is cross-linking?
It is considered one of the best strategies that can come in handy to yield high search engine rankings, by leveraging several domains owned by you.
What is Off-Page Optimization?
Page Optimization is a type of SEO that is not regulated by your page coding. Link building, Image Sharing, Blog posting, Document Sharing, Info graphics submission, Video Sharing, Increasing Page Authority or Page Rank, Getting high-quality links from relevant sites, and Article submission are a few examples of Off-page optimization.

What are the SEO Techniques available?
Two SEO Techniques are: White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO which is also called Negative SEO.
What do you mean by Page Rank or PR?
For every web page, Google will give a rank, which is called Page rank. Normally page rank ranges from 0 – 10. Google Web Search Engine algorithm is responsible for calculating the page rank of every web page.
What is Cross-linking and its functions?
The process of linking one site to another and providing a way to allow access to it is called cross-linking. Reference sites are made available to users searching for related content. The purpose of displaying the page on search engines using SEO techniques and methods is fulfilled by cross-linking. The site ranking is calculated based on the relevance of the sites and then it is reflected on the search engine.
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