Defining AS400
The AS400 abbreviates for Application System 400. It is multiuser and multitasking software. It is used for the industry that requires sensitive data and The system is ideally secured. AS400 has integrated the DB2 database management system providing multi-user support, security, and web-based application. Utilizing this software for mid-level industries namely banking, hospital, pharmaceutical industry, malls, and financial organizations. The operating system of AS400 got renamed with OS/400, later I5/OS, and then finally IBMI.

Features of AS400
- It comes with an Object-based Kernel and using an object-based kernel its system are created.
- Designing AS400 Broad Integrated Component is used.
- The application of AS400 offers an efficient appointing.
- It provides an effective administrator interface. Even if it gives you less physical servers.
Advantage of AS400
The advantage of IBM AS400 will be put together to understand the in-depth of AS400 and SAP. AS400 comes to be used most of the time for ERP and other critical tasks in the industry that requires extreme reliability in the manufacturing system. Respectively IBM Power system is needed with SAP users competing for database management processes like Oracle Database. Under the process of AS/400 cloud IBM has also become a popular cloud solution. It works with channel partners such as secure 24 to implement AS/400 for a high range of applications.
Disadvantage of AS400
AS400 tool comes with a higher cost than the other software. As a result, usually, the organizers have a problem using this software. The developers for AS400 are not available all the time in the market as the other developers. It requires higher maintenance costs as most business organizers do not have a good mindset for the tool as it is used in large business and large-scale cash transactions.
What is SAP?
To know the details of SAP allow you to take either SAP or AS400. It is designed by Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Through a unified system, The software integrates the key functions of an organization. It covers the complete business areas through centralizing data management. SAP modules include software components, finance and accounting, customer relationship management, and materials management. It also provides an organization with the process of systemizing manufacturing with its automation and financial operations.
Features of SAP
- SAP is accounting software and it is designed with many more features with which you come to manage your business adequately. SAP software comes with several features.
- It comes with financial management, reducing errors, improvised margins, and decision-making for profit.
- Customer management with sales attributes.
- Control for purchasing & inventory control
- Business Intelligence
- Analytics and Reporting
Advantage of SAP
The benefits of SAP are as follows:
- Complete Visibility: There is a need of using separate SAP software which will provide complete visibility. In that case, you will not have to use outdated data with questionable reports. You can access the real-time and accurate report.
- Efficient Boost: The tool that you start to use must have complexity. It gains efficiency by reducing complexity. Even the software gives manual data transferring reports.
- Business Flexibility: SAP business has an extreme level of flexibility as it is designed with a custom configuration for any kind of business and must have the best path for integration.
- Scalability: For growing as well as small businesses, SAP provides you the better access in need of high stability.
Disadvantage of SAP
- It is very important to know that though SAP has a number of benefits for the good of an organization, it brings disadvantages. The disadvantage brings a clear picture to understanding AS400 vs SAP.
- Higher Cost: The SAP tool needs a higher cost for license and maintenance. The cost really is tough for a small business. Even it needs an additional cost that is hard to afford by anyone.
- Difficulty Level: Because of more data, users are not satisfied with the SAP’s screen and its operation with a single button.
- Training for User: The organizers may have problems in case of using and learning SAP and it causes issues at the first transition. For the benefit, users need to spend extra time on training purposes.
How do SAP and AS400 work for the business?
To have the knowledge we should arrive at the thought about the software’s flexibility on the type of business. This software is ideal for manufacturing, information technology, high-tech industries, and computer software. It can also be utilized in entire in all industries including pharmacy and consumer goods. On the other hand, SAP generally it is used in Industries related organizations that it goes for insurance, public sector, media, plant maintenance, Commodity management, utilities, oil & gas, HCM, and finance. It is definite that SAP works well for the business within a short period of time. It connects the parts of a business into an excellent suite through a completely digital platform. Most of the business comes under the care of SAP and in that case, you can use it for human recourses, sales, finance, and other types. The centralized process enhances productivity, endorses quality, provides inventory management, decreases the cost of raw material, and reduces expenses.
Comparison of AS400 vs SAP
1. AS400 stands for Application system 400. Likewise SAP comes with full from of Systems, Applications, and Data Processing.
2. AS400 has an integrated DB2 management system having multi-support and security whereas SAP arrives with a integration in need of organizational viral function through a unified system.
3. AS400 brings reliability in the manufacturing system and Sap will have better reliability in manufacturing and other processes.
4. AS400 has integrated the DB2 database management system providing multi-user support, security, web-based application. Whereas SAP includes called modules, software components, finance and accounting, customer relationship management, and materials management.
5. AS400 works with channel partners such as secure 24 to implement AS/400 for a high range of applications. Besides SAP business has an extreme level of flexibility as it is designed with a custom configuration for all businesses.
6. AS/400 software comes at a lesser price than the SAP. But the SAP tool runs with higher costs for license and maintenance.

Undoubtedly, it is true to say that business comes fruitful with the help of software. But most of the time, organizers cannot take decisions right before they come to take one as the best. These current days two software named, AS400 and SAP, run with great admiration among the business organizers. A group of organizers considers SAP is better than the AS400 and another certain group goes for AS400. IBM AS400 online training by Gologica is primarily responsible for learning the maintenance and administration of IBM iSeries servers, multiple partitions, including message handling, command-line utilities, work management, job and print control, device management, system configuration, system security, and backup. Happy Learning!!
Author Bio

Kavya Sathvik, A content strategist at Gologica. She has 2 years of experience in content writing. Passionate about writing technical content and also creating an effective content strategy for brands and blogs. Contact her: Linkedin