What is a referral?
Transferring requests from consumer to master is also called a referral. Or It reads the changelogDB and it transfers updates to master.
What is Schema?
Schema is the set of rules that describes what kind of data is stored. It helps to maintain consistency and quality of data and reduces duplication of data. Object class attribute determines schema rules the entry must follow.
What is SSO?
Single Sign-On is a property of access control of multiple related, but independent software systems. With this property, a user logs in with a single user login to gain access to connected systems without being prompted for different usernames or passwords or in some configurations seamlessly sign on to all systems.
What is Siteminder or Policy Server?
Siteminder (Policy Server) is an access management tool which provides authentication, authorization & Single Sign-On for application which is integrated with SiteMinder.

What are authorization events?
- OnAccesAccept
- OnAccesReject
What Are The Basic Steps That You Will Take To Stop Unauthorized Access?
Well, there are certain things that can be done for this. The very first thing is to secure important files with passwords. The data backup must also be protected through the same approach. It is necessary to enable the firewall as it is very helpful in this matter. All the accounts on a company server that is no longer in use should immediately is suspended. It is also necessary to restrict the access of data to only those who work in a similar department or those who are authorized representative in an organization.
What are Authentication events?
- OnAuthAccept
- OnAuthAttempt
- OnAuthChallenge
- OnAuthReject
- OnAuthUserNotFound
How is the authentication scheme context available to webservers from Siteminder?
By SiteMinder default HTTP headers
Types in agent keys in SiteMinder?
- Dynamic Key
- Static Key
In what format policy store key is stored in SiteMinder?
The policy store key is stored in the key stash file using a proprietary encryption technique. The policy store key is used directly or indirectly to encrypt all other keys. Policy Store key is the Policy Server’s most critical key
Can You Name Some Parameters That Define Ssl Session Connection?
- Client writes Mac Secret
- Server write Mac secret
- Sequence numbers
- Client writes keys
- Server and client Random
- Initialization vectors.
What are the ways to End sessions in CA Siteminder?
- User Logout of the system
- Session Times out, asking user tore-enter credentials
- User is disabled by system Manager
What Do You Mean By Host Intrusion Detection System? Name The Three Classes Of Intruders?
It is basically a snapshot-based mechanism. It takes snapshots of systems and compares them with the previous snapshots. The aim is to detect whether the files have changed or if they are missing. If a problem is there, it immediately sends an alert to the administrator. The three classes of intruders are clandestine users, Misfeasor and Masquerader.
How do you integrate a new application?
The new application can be integrated by Onboarding the application.
What According To You Are The Major Challenges In The Current Scenario For Web Access Management Systems?
- Key issues in understanding the HTTP
- Frequent change in SSL approaches
- Centralized Remote access to machines
- System alerting approaches and mechanisms
- Updating policies
Named expressions enable you to?
Expressions enable you to define reusable expressions.
Which feature applies to application roles?
Application Roles define a set of users who have access to an application resource or a group of application resources.
What Do You Think Can Cause Vulnerabilities In Web Access Management Security?
- Password sharing with those who are not authorized to access information
- Designs errors
- Human errors
- Complex software and applications
How You Will Protect A Password File?
Password files access control and second is Hashed passwords. This is because they are not simple to crack and they cannot be judged simply.
What Do You Know About Penetration Testing?
It is basically a method to detect several vulnerabilities in a system. It can be done manually or through automated approaches and it aims to evaluate the system security. Just like other approaches, the prime objective of this is to ensure the system stays protected against the attacks. In this approach, if a vulnerability is found, the same is used to find others after understanding its behavior and cause.
What Exactly Do You Understand By Intrusion Detection?
It is basically an approach that is useful in detecting the possible attacks by hackers and intruders and dealing with the same. It includes collecting the information and finding the possible ways to stop the hacker’s attacks. Sometimes auditing the system data can also be a part of this approach.
What Is Security Testing?
It is basically an approach to check if there is any glitch in the security mechanisms of any data. It plays a vital role in securing an application simply. Security analysts can keep themselves up to date with all the major challenges that can affect their work and can detect and remove bugs immediately.
Name A Few Basic Methods For Effective Identity And Authenticity Management?
Using a user name and a password approach is one of the common and in fact, the best way to manage them. In addition to this, securing a user’s personal information is also helpful in this manner. Finger touch sensors are other methods that are quite common in the present scenario.
What Benefits Access Management And Identity Management Can Derive?
Well, there are certain benefits that can simply help the organization to keep up the pace. The first, and in fact, the biggest benefit is cost saving. An organization can save a huge sum of money simply by considering this approach. Next big thing that can be assured is operational efficiency. In addition to this, business growth for e-commerce is another leading benefit due to which this technology is widely preferred in the current scenario.

What Do You Know About The Url Manipulation?
It is an attack basically that hackers consider for manipulating the URL of a website. This is done to get access to the critical information. However, it is possible to stop them from performing this task.
If Web Server Is Made To Run On Default Settings, Can It Cause A Security Issue?
Yes, there are certain chances for that. Actually web servers on default settings are vulnerable to hackers and attackers. It can even fail-secure access management and can create issues such as data loss and leakage in no time. The server settings must be customized based on software and application that are used in an organization for the purpose of protecting the data.
Do You Know About Phishing On A Network? How It Can Be Harmful For An Organization?
It is basically an approach that hackers and other people use to get information about an organization. Basically, they create fake web pages which appear similar to that of the actual ones. They try to put them on the user’s screen and wait for them to enter their username and passwords. To avoid this issue, one must make sure that the web address of the URL is the same as that of the organization name. Phishing can lead to hacking accounts and unauthorized access to the information that no organization wants to share with anyone who is not an employee of them.