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Top 10 Social Media Marketing (SMM) Skills You Need in 2022

In order to stay ahead of the curve in social media marketing, you need to be aware of the latest trends and skills. Here are the top 10 social media marketing skills you will need in 2022. By mastering these skills, you will create successful social media campaigns that generate ROI for your business.

What are the Top 10 Social Media Marketing (SMM) Skills You Need in 2022?

As technology advances, the way in which we interact online is constantly changing. Websites that were once popular are no longer viable options for sharing your content, and new platforms are coming out all the time. It can be difficult to keep up with this fast-paced environment, but it is important to stay abreast of current trends if you want to maximize your social media marketing efforts.

By 2022, here’s what you should know about social networks:

1. Virtual Reality (VR) 

Virtual reality will continue to grow in popularity among users who enjoy an immersive experience when connecting with brands and other users. If you aren’t using virtual reality in some capacity by 2022, you’re likely to be left behind. As VR improves, it is expected that VR will mimic the sense of smell, touch, and taste. If you want your brand to remain relevant in five years, VR should be a key component of your strategy.

2. Live Streaming 

The ability to live stream content has changed the way marketers reach their audiences. This technology is becoming more available for people who want to use it, but not every user knows how to get started with streaming videos on Facebook or Twitter. By 2022, live streaming will no longer be considered “new” by most users, so if you are not already using this technology, you need to become familiar with it within the next few years.

3. Interactive Web Design 

It’s getting harder and harder for websites to stand out from the crowd, but interactive web design is a good way for brands to differentiate themselves. In five years, nearly every website will have some interactive element that lets users take an active role in learning about the brand or product being showcased. Look for new technologies related to this trend to be developed within the next few years or risk being irrelevant on the web.

4. Virtual Assistants 

Virtual assistants are becoming increasingly popular with Internet users who want a convenient resource they can turn to when they need help finding something online. However, suppose your company isn’t working with virtual assistants by 2022. In that case, you could find it difficult to promote your business on social media platforms because customers expect all companies to offer helpful resources. In addition, companies that fail to incorporate this technology into their website or social media pages will not attract the customers of tomorrow.

5. Employee Advocacy 

As businesses recognize the value of employee advocacy, they are looking for new and better ways to integrate employees who can help promote company products and services online. With so many people using social media, it only makes sense to take advantage of employees who already have a social media presence and can help promote your brand in a highly targeted manner. By 2022, businesses won’t ignore the benefits associated with having employees as advocates because such efforts will largely become de rigueur on most websites and across all major social networks.

6. Writing Ability

Although videos and images dominate most social media skills, writing (which is also a skill) plays a vital role. Everything must require a proper skillset, whether you are writing a tweet, email, or just content for an image. In addition, writing can attract people in many aspects.

7. Mobile Apps 

Mobile apps will continue to play an integral role in how Internet users interact with their favorite brands and social network platforms. If you want to stay relevant in 2022, your brand must establish a presence on mobile apps such as Facebook’s Marketplace, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Your other option is to develop a custom mobile app for your brand or website using one of the many technologies available today.

8. Influencer Marketing 

Social media influencers will become even more powerful in five years than they are today, which means if you’re not working with these individuals already, it might be too late to start doing so without looking foolish to your target audience. Today’s best marketers know that if they can get influential people within their niche market to promote their products and services, they are more likely to attract customers who are interested in what they have to offer.

9. Augmented Reality 

Augmented reality (AR) will barely be recognizable in 2022, but this technology has already changed how consumers interact with brands and their favorite websites. For example, companies like IKEA allow customers to check out products through its mobile app by using augmented reality tools, which give you an idea of how a piece of furniture might look within your home or office before you make a purchase decision. Although augmented reality is still evolving, savvy marketers are looking for ways to integrate it into their social media strategies because there’s no telling where AR could go over the next five years.

10. Visual Storytelling  

By 2022, nearly every brand will have shifted its focus away from text-based content to visuals, largely because the brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. As a result, marketers are already starting to work with professional photographers and social media influencers who can help promote their brands by sharing visually appealing content on major social networks. Most savvy businesses already understand the power of visual storytelling, but it’s not too late for your company to start using this trend in its marketing efforts today.

With the ever-changing landscape of marketing, it’s difficult to know where to start. What are some skills you need for success? Consider these ten social media marketing skills that will help you get ahead and stay there! Make sure your content is optimized across all channels; optimize ad campaigns by making them mobile-friendly, Have a plan before posting on social media platforms, and Use hashtags effectively with an eye towards search engine optimization.


The best way to stay relevant when it comes to technology is through predictive trends analysis. By 2022, virtual assistants will be common in most brands’ online strategies, while mobile apps will continue to play an integral role in how Internet users interact with their favorite brands and social media platforms. Employee advocacy, influencer marketing, augmented reality, and visual storytelling will be the best ways to keep your company at the forefront of its industry in 2022.

Author Bio:

Anji Velagana loves pursuing excellence through writing. He currently writes for Gologica.com, a global leader in providing the best online training to individuals who wish to take training on different abilities. He has experience of 5 years in the field of content writing. Contact him via LinkedIn.

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