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Top 15 Reasons Why You Need YouTube Marketing

It is vital to have a strong online presence in today’s competitive market. In the past ten years alone, there has been a massive shift in how people consume content. As a result, YouTube marketing has become a necessity for businesses that want to compete and succeed online.

The first thing you need to understand about YouTube Marketing is that it is not just uploading videos on your channel and expecting them to go viral. In fact, this rarely ever happens. Instead, successful YouTube channels are built from tips, tricks, and strategies applied through various techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO) keywords and tags strategically placed throughout the video description box. Here are five reasons why you should include YouTube marketing as part of your overall online marketing strategy:

1. YouTube is the second largest search engine globally, thus making it an integral part of any SEO plan. If you want to rank high on Google, you need to show results on YouTube.

2. YouTube is the most used video-sharing platform in the world, with over one billion unique users per month. Uploading your videos here ensures that they are visible to a large percentage of web users who use this site to discover new videos and content.

3. It allows you to stay in front of your clientele and bring them back for more by establishing a relationship between them and your business. People love looking at other people, so uploading high-quality product demonstration videos will help you to increase your clientele faster than a static website.

4. YouTube is a platform for building strong customer loyalty and relationships. You can keep your customers up-to-date with company news, relevant information, and new product updates through regular communication. Imagine being notified via a personal phone call from the manager of his favorite restaurant that they have just brought in your favorite dish!

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5. Your video marketing efforts will directly increase sales because it provides potential clients with visual material to which they can relate. This increases trust between both parties as well as builds credibility towards the business, which results in more conversions/sales. So instead of telling people how great you are, you’re showing them why they should buy from you.

One of the most difficult things to accomplish in your business is figuring out exactly what path is going to be best for you. It would help if you determined what direction you will go with, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s easier said than done, but if you have the time, some ways may help.

6. People trust contributors at YouTube more than they trust professional marketers. Research shows this data regularly.

7. You can connect with everyone who has an account on YouTube.   The site receives over one billion unique visitors every single month, so it’s not too far off target to say that anyone and everyone will receive your message.

8. You can allow anyone to subscribe to you on YouTube. The likelihood that one of your subscribers will also be subscribed to someone else is high, and this increases the possibility that they may pass along your marketing materials.

9. There isn’t a limit to how many people you can reach with YouTube marketing. If you’re willing and able to take the time and energy required for conducting this type of marketing, the sky’s the limit.

10. You can grow your audience with YouTube very quickly.   It only takes uploading any video once to become accessible worldwide through search engines such as Google. As a result, people view hundreds of millions of videos each day, creating a fantastic opportunity.

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11. You can use YouTube marketing to research your intended audience successfully. YouTube provides analytics for each and every one of your videos, which will serve as an invaluable tool when it comes time to gather data related to demographics.

12. Using YouTube marketing is very cost-efficient. Suppose you’ve got a computer and some free time. In that case, you can make and upload videos easily enough. The only other tools required are social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to share links with everyone who may be interested in what you have created. The entire operation truly isn’t that expensive when compared to other techniques.

13. YouTube allows content creators complete control over their video’s marketing process. People can add annotations to their videos, which is a great way to put more effort into your end result while allowing the viewer to get involved with the information you are trying to share.

14. You can employ YouTube marketing regardless of who your audience is. Maybe you’re interested in selling books, making custom rugs, or working for yourself on a freelance basis; regardless of what it is you happen to be doing, YouTube has got you covered!

15. You can reach people all over the world with your message. YouTube is one of the most global sites around. It’s easy enough for people from Norway or Nagoya, Japan to find and watch your videos, which means that you will have a wide audience available for exposure.

If you are interested in YouTube marketing, the best thing you can possibly do is begin preparing yourself right now. The sooner you get started, the more likely it is that everything will go according to plan.

You can create web series on YouTube. There are examples of people who have become wildly successful by taking this route, so why not try the site yourself?


In short, the benefits of YouTube marketing far outweigh the costs that are required to implement your video strategy. If you want to be successful in this age of social media, then it is a must for businesses large and small. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start uploading today!

Author Bio:

Anji Velagana loves pursuing excellence through writing. He currently writes for Gologica.com, a global leader in providing the best online training to individuals who wish to take training on different abilities. He has experience of 5 years in the field of content writing. Contact him via LinkedIn.

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