What is SAP BPC?
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) instrument is utilized to help all operational and monetary exercises in an association. SAP BPC helps in mechanizing and smoothing out business gauges, arranging, and combination exercises in your association.
SAP BPC underpins two sorts of movement – SAP NetWeaver and Microsoft Excel. BPC with Microsoft adaptation empowers you to perform displaying, application upkeep, bringing in information and applying changes, making contents, and so forth It uses the force of MS Excel and furnishes the client with an Enterprise Power Management (EPM) arrangement, the community instrument with a vigorous, promptly acknowledged climate.
SAP BPC offers help for existing Microsoft usefulness and different upgrade highlights like drag and drops report manufacturer, and so forth
Below are the key advantages given by SAP BPC −
- It allows the customer to make better business decisions by supporting What-If examination and licenses you to perform circumstance-based orchestrating.
- It permits you to team up information and consequently increment exactness in business arranging and responsibility.
- It helps in adjusting your arrangements to vital objectives and subsequently declines the process duration.
- You have an alternative to pick the variant of SAP NetWeaver or Microsoft Platform.
Below are the key advantages that can be accomplished by utilizing BPC −
- Business Forecasting
- Analytical Reporting and Analysis
- Budget Planning
- Predictive Analysis and Recommendations
- Improve Compliance
- Consolidation
- Business Process Flows and Smooth Collaboration
Who uses SAP BPC?
Business End Users:
Business end-customers are usually the customers who will be answerable for the financials made inside BPC. They know about the various cycles yet may not comprehend the specialized subtleties or how each interaction is coded and modified. Not all business end clients may utilize the BPC framework; they may just devour its monetary data. Here are some typical business end-user groups one may find in a company.
FP& A Group: The FP& A (monetary arranging and examination) gathering of each organization may utilize SAP BPC to direct different exercises for their day-by-day exercises. These activities fuse anyway not limited to
Arranging and Forecasting: FP& A gatherings utilize the arranging and determining capacities of SAP BPC to anticipate future financials just as contrast real with arranged and guage financials.
The Management Reporting: Reporting of monetary outcomes created in BPC and organized into logical reports to be introduced to the supervisory group
Data accumulated in BPC can likewise be snared to other EPM devices like Business Objects Dashboard, Crystal Reports, and other answering to the executives
Controlling and Accounting Group: The controlling and accounting get-togethers of every association may use SAP BPC to perform legal financial associations. The controlling and bookkeeping gathering will create united budget reports from the data and cycles set up in SAP BPC
Learn more information from the GoLogica “SAP BPC TRAINING | Online Training“ |
Assessment Group: The duty bunch generally utilizes BPC to ascertain expense and expense holds dependent on independent or combined monetary outcomes. The data utilized by the duty gathering can be a mix of data required by the FP& An and Controlling gatherings of an organization.
Support Teams:
Support teams are generally the framework executives and other IT-related workforce who keep up the specialized side of SAP BPC. They work with the business end-customers to ensure that the system is playing out how the business customers need and mirrors the information that the business clients require.
- Master Data Maintenance (MDM): Master data uphold bunch generally handles the movements and updates required for every estimation required for each SAP BPC environment. (for example, adding a new entity, changing the description of an account, etc.)
- Security: The security team manages all of the people who need access to SAP BPC, the type of access they need, and what restrictions are necessary. (i.e., John Smith needs to be provisioned for a system ID and should have the entity preparer role with access to entities 1 and 2)
- General Support and Development: A support team should be in place to ensure that the existing configuration is working as intended, fix bugs, or develop a new process. (i.e., advancement of another reclass cycle that requires the coding of new LogicScript or custom program)
- BW or BI: Business Warehouse (BW) or BI (Business Intelligence) bunches are required because BPC is based on top of a BW part of SAP. The BW or BI groups are there to deal with any issues showing up with the preparation of data commenced in BPC however handled in the BW layer or to incorporate any custom tables to be taken care of into the BPC framework (for example YTD financial tables).
- BASIS: The BASIS bunch is the gathering that ensures the item and gear fragments of BPC are presented viably and relationships with laborers are consistent. The BASIS support team is there to make upgrades to any patches to the software or change the hardware resources.
Specialists are typically elaborate when a BPC project is being actualized in an organization. Their responsibility is to assemble prerequisites, model an answer, plan, construct, test, and convey the arrangement related to business clients. There are normally multiple consultants who are involved in implementation; we can separate them into 2 types of consultants.
Functional: A practical specialist for SAP BPC ordinarily has some sort of monetary revealing, bookkeeping, union, or important business region ability. The work of a utilitarian advisor is to
- Work with the business end-clients and accumulate all prerequisites, requirements, and other vital data should have been ready to model and plan the framework
- Interpret all data assembled for the specialized groups and work along with the specialized groups to draftsman the construction of BPC and plan explicit cycles to run in SAP BPC
- Work with business clients to create testing situations, production of experiments/information, arrangement and transformation of inheritance information
Technical: A specialized expert typically works with the in-house innovation group and useful advisors to guarantee the accompanying
- Build up the BPC climate, including arrangement, all things considered, and all fundamental security required
- Work with the practical experts to design and plan the BPC climate
- Construct every important part and cycle needed with the arrangement including but not restricted to
1. Dimensions (Master Data)
2. Interfaces
3. Reports
4. Configuration
5. LogicScript
6. Custom Programs
7. Business Process Flow
Hope this article helps to know the complete insights about SAP BPC. Any Questions? Comment below. Happy Learning!
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