In this current era where technology is taking its toll on everything and in every way possible, Programming languages have been around and every decade it in in demand. Python is considered one of the most popular programming languages. Python is a high-level programming language, used for general-purpose, and an object-oriented programming language that is simple, which has clean syntax, object encapsulation, good library support, and optional named parameters. It has made its way to the top-notch as in the recent Stack Overflow survey it is shown that Python has taken over languages such as Java, C, C++.Python is very easy to understand and learn. In fact will be able to use those skills to land a wonderful career in the rapidly developing data science industry. Careers in this will thrive as the demand for Python programmers grows with the new applications for machine learning and Data Science that arises each day. Machine Learning is a fragment of artificial intelligence which focuses on learning by machines from their own experiences and making predictions. This provides the potential for the machines to make data-driven decisions instead of being programmed explicitly for carrying out certain tasks. These algorithms or programs are designed in such a way that they not only learn but also improve over time, on being exposed to new data. Whereas Data Science, on the other hand, is the study of data that involves flourishing methods of recording, storing as well as analyzing data to productively wrench out useful information. Python seamlessly works on distinct platforms like Mac, Linux, Windows, Mac, Raspberry Pi, and more. We can use it functionally or procedurally, as it is simple and easier-to-understand syntax. As opposed to other developers it has a syntax that endows developers to write programs quickly in fewer lines. Prototyping can be highly rapid as it executes on an interpreter system which means, as of it, code can be run as instant as we write it. The main goal is to obtain intellectual acuity from any type of data structured or unstructured. Big technology giants use Python programming as listed Google, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, Pinterest, Disney, IBM, Nokia, and many more. Python used in many industrial industries. You can also function in:
- Finance and trading
- Scientific and mathematical computing
- Web development
- System automation and administration
- Computer graphics
- Basic game development
- Security and penetration testing
- General and application-specific scripting
- Mapping and geography (GIS software)

Functioning of Python
- To read and amend files, it can be connected to database systems
- To manage the big data and also to perform complicated mathematics
- Establishing website applications it is used on a server
- It is used For rapid prototyping
- To develop workflows it is used equally with the software’s
- For production-ready software development
Why you should learn Python
There are various reasons to learn this computer programming language, as it is simpler and highly popular programming language. Here are some important applications and features that you learn Python programming language.
1. High Salary and Python’s Popularity
Python engineers have some of the highest paid salaries in the industry, particularly in Data Science, Machine learning, and web development. On an average Python Developer salary in the United States is approximately $116,030 per year and a Python Programming Consultant, are in a very good-paying scale, ranging from 70K USD to 150K USD depending upon their experience, location, and domain. The popularity of the Python language in 2022 will be at peak. As per the survey of the TIOBE Index for February 2020, this programming language ranks in the number 3 slot. It honoured with the title of fast-rising programing language that comes under the top 50.
2. Python is simple & easy to learn
Python is free and open source. It is Interpreted and has a large community of IT professional’s across the world has adopted Python. Interested aspirants looking to learn Python should never assume that this language is quite tough to learn and use. The fact, it is the simplest and easy to learn programming language as of having simple syntax and readability. Even this language is shorter as opposed to other programming languages like C, C++, etc.
3. Web Development
Python has an array of frameworks for developing websites and many useful libraries. The popular frameworks are Django, Flask, Pylons etc. Since these frameworks are written in Python, it’s the core reason which makes the code a lot faster and stable. The task which takes hours in PHP can be completed in minutes on Python. You can also perform web scraping where you can fetch details from any other websites. You will also be impressed as many websites such as Instagram, bit bucket, Pinterest are built on these frameworks only.
4. Portable & Extensible
Python allows you to perform cross-language operations consistently in the portable and extensible properties. Python is supported by most platforms present in the industry in current days ranging from Windows to Linux to Macintosh, Solaris, Play station, among others. Python’s extensibility features allow you to integrate Java as well as .NET components. You can also invoke C and C++ libraries.
5. Computer Graphics
Python is used to build GUI and desktop applications. To provide fast & easy way to create applications it uses ‘Tkinter‘ library. It is also used in game development where you can write the logic of using a module ‘pygame’ which also runs on android devices.
6. Scripting & Automation
Python can be used as Scripting language. The messages received over UDP occurred problem that it won’t be shown in the log. As to check if we are receiving any UDP traffic on that port or could find any UNIX command, this is where Python modules come to play using to intercept UDP messages. This is where in scripting, the code gets executed which is written in the form of scripts. Machine reads the scripts and interprets the code. During Runtime error checking is done. Once the code is checked, it can be used several times. So by automation in a program you can automate certain tasks.
7. Libraries and Testing Frameworks
One of the similarities between Python and Java is the sheer number of open source libraries, frameworks, and modules available to do anything. Python have many built-in testing frameworks that cover debugging & fastest workflows. There are a lot of tools and modules to make things easier such as Selenium and Splinter. It supports testing with cross-platform & cross-browser with frameworks such as PyTest and Robot Framework. Python has numerous libraries for various needs. Django and Flask are two of the most popular for web development, and NumPy and SciPy are for Data Science.
8. Big Data
You can use Python for Hadoop as it supports parallel computing. In Python, you have a library called “Pydoop” and you can also write a MapReduce program in Python and process data present in the HDFS cluster. There are other libraries such as ‘Dask‘ and ‘Pyspark‘ for big data processing. Therefore, Python is widely used for Big Data where you can easily process it.
9. Machine Learning
Programmers are learning Python in 2022 as the growth of machine learning is phenomenal and it is rapidly changing everything in the last couple of years. Good example is Google, which can now answer what you are expecting. Putting together libraries such as Keras and TensorFlow brings machine learning into functionality. It gives the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Also, we have libraries such as openCv that helps computer vision or image recognition. Though there are machine learning libraries available in Java, you will find more content around Python as the developer community is preferring Python over anything else on Data Science and Machine learning.
10. Data Science
Python makes a preferred language for Data Science and Machine Learning. Well, this is because of the libraries and framework Python offers, such as PyBrain, NumPy, and PyMySQL on Atificial Intelligence, DataScience, and Machine learning, are one of that reason. Another reason is diversity, Python experience allows you to do a lot more than R, for example you can create scripts to automate stuff, go into web development and so many more.

According to the current days, the best programming language is Python. We think that it is that Python has become an incomparable programming language globally right now. Interested Aspirants will be able to develop in depth knowledge and as there are many benefits to learning on basics of Python which will help you to gain a lot in the exciting fields of your choice along with a good position with all key concepts in data analytics, data visualization, machine learning, processing of natural languages, and web scraping. These courses prepare you for a career in Python and achieve one’s goal. The best way to learn Python is to enroll and take up the certification training course of Python with Gologica. Happy Learning!!
Author Bio

Kavya Sathvik, A content strategist at Gologica. She has 2 years of experience in content writing. Passionate about writing technical content and also creating effective content strategy for brands and blogs. Contact her: Linkedin