What Do You Need to Run WordPress?
When talking about WordPress interview questions and answers for experienced, as well as WordPress interviews questions and answers for fresher’s, one that often comes up is what the requirements to run WordPress are.
Here is what is recommended:
PHP version 7.2 or greater
MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater
HTTPS support
Apache or Nginx are recommended for running WordPress, but any server that supports PHP and MySQL will do
What are WordPress Plugins?
WordPress offers a huge variety of plugins for maximum flexibility when it comes to creating a website.You can add spam protection, social networking, complex galleries, calendars, forums, and hundreds of other plugins and features.
WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – What is the Difference?
The difference is the host. With WordPress.org – you host your own website; with WordPress.com – they host it for you.
What are Hooks in WordPress?
Hooks are functions that can be applied to a Filter or an Action in WP and they allow you to, with modifying areas in a theme or plugin without modifying the original file.Depending on whether you apply them to a Filter or to an Action, they are called action hooks and filter hooks.
How Does Debugging in WordPress Work?
Let’s take a look at WordPress question and answer about debugging. First of all, we need to know that Debugging PHP code is part of any project and the debug system in WordPress is quite simple.
WP_DEBUG is a PHP constant that can be used to enable the debug mode throughout WordPress at any time. By default, it is assumed to be false so you need to set it to true in the wp-config.php file.
What are WordPress Taxonomies?
The simplest way to describe a taxonomy when speaking about WordPress technical interview questions is by saying that it is a way to group things together.
Default taxonomies in WordPress are Category, Tag, Link Category, Post Formats.
However, you don’t have to limit yourself to default taxonomies; you are free to create custom ones as well.
What Types of Websites on WP – Are there Limitations?
No, there aren’t any limitations when it comes to the type of websites WordPress supports. From e-commerce sites to photography portfolios, you can create basically any site you want.
Is Blog a Must on WP?
One of the WordPress developer interview questions is whether or not it is necessary to have a blog to be able to use WordPress. After all, WordPress was originally a blogging software.
However, the answer is no – a blog is not a must on WordPress although having a blog is a plus for SEO.
Is WordPress Good for SEO?
One of the very useful WordPress features is its inbuilt SEO search engine as well as additional plugins that are great for SEO and ranking on search engines.
What Are Custom Fields in WordPress?
Custom fields in WordPress can be assigned to a post for extra information. It is basically meta-data to include bits of information such as… Well, whatever you can think of. Here are some examples of custom fields:
Weather: Drizzle and Moderate Breeze
Currently reading: To Kill a Mockingbird
Favorite color: Green
How Can I Develop a WordPress Plugin?
One of WordPress interview questions for experienced is how to develop a WordPress plugin.
Here are the basic steps:
You need to come up with a unique name, create the plugin folder with a subfolder for PHP files, create the main plugin file, create functions for activation and deactivation, create an uninstall script and readme.txt file.
What are the Template Tags?
Template tags are used within the Templates to customize your blog. The common types of tags are:
General Tags
Author Tags
Bookmark Tags
Category Tags
Comment Tags
Link Tags
Post Tags
Post-Thumbnail Tags
Navigation Menu Tags
Is WordPress.com More Secure than WordPress.org? Why?
Since the themes are limited on WordPress.com and installing plugins is not allowed, WordPress.com is considered more secure than Wordress.org.
Can Deactivated Plugins Slow Down a WP Website?
One of the common WordPress interview questions for freshers is whether or not can the deactivated plugins slow down a WP site – and the answer is no.
WordPress will only load the active plugins and if there are any deactivated plugins preset, it will be the same as if they weren’t there.
When Should You Not Recommend WordPress to a Client?
You should not recommend WordPress to a client if they are working on a non-CMS base project; if they want complex or innovative e-commerce; in case of enterprise intranet solution; if the site requires custom scripting solutions.
What is a Child Theme?
There is a child theme and a parent theme. A parent theme is the main theme while a child theme is its extension.
What are Meta-tags?
Meta-tags are descriptions and keywords for displaying website or page information.
Custom Post Types or Custom Database Tables for Plugin Development?
There is no right answer to this question because it depends on the plugin type that you want to develop. There are pros and cons for both of them.
Ending thoughts on WordPress interview questions
WordPress is currently the most popular website management system in the world and there are numerous WordPress interview questions and answers that you should be aware of, especially if you are a developer. Here, we covered most of the basic, as well as several WordPress advanced interview questions.