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Artificial Intelligence Engineer Master’s Program in Pune, IN

(4.5) 1855 ratings.

Master in Pune trains the user with deep learning, Machine learning, and Natural Language Processing, which are the major AI domains. Learn through real-world applications with practically working projects to equip yourself to build intelligent systems. Join now and start your AI Engineer journey with GoLogica.
Artificial Intelligence Engineer Master’s Program

Next Batch Starts

29th Oct 2024

Program Duration

6 Months

Learning Format

Online Bootcamp

Why Join this Program?

GoLogica Acadamic

GoLogica Academic's Master Program features a structured curriculum, paving the way to Global scope.

Industry Experience

GoLogica having a 15+ years of experience on career transforming programs with industrial oriented Skills.

Latest AI Trends

GoLogica Advanced Programs delivers cutting-edge AI Training, offering insights into the latest trends.

Hands-on Experience

GoLogica emphasizes practical learning with exercises, projects to equip you with real world application.

Learners Achievement

Maximum Salary Hike


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Artificial Intelligence Engineer Program Details

All of this is taken care of by the Master Course in Pune at GoLogica for people aspiring to build their careers in this emerging fast domain of AI. Such excellence is developed by sheer knowledge and practical know-how above core AI technologies like machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and NLP.


This will be an intensive course that gives training on all basic concepts of AI, and this will help understand the application of tools over widely used tools like TensorFlow and Keras along with their application in Python; apart from that, it will give practical training on AI models, data processing, feature engineering, advanced algorithms, and many more.


This brings you more training in further steps within the course, a machine learning approach using techniques of supervised and unsupervised learning, model evaluation, and optimization.


This propels you to learn advanced knowledge about deep learning neural networks, including cases of neural networks applied to CNN and how you can use the latter for image classification, among others, as well as those who apply RNNs in sequence predictions. Then, of course, there is the NLP module that would have given you every way that such systems, with knowledge of human language, can be constructed or designed, especially if such a module were to be implemented on your chatbot, even on this language translator.


GoLogica will train the students on this platform. You'll work on real projects, predictive analytics, AI-driven automation, etc. The learning here won't just raise your knowledge quotient but also portfolios that could act as a showcase to any employer about your skill with AI technologies. This course is quite suitable for a software engineer or data scientist with some programming experience who would want to channel his skills toward AI.


The industry-designed curriculum is going to prepare you with hands-on training and professional trainers. Preparedness is going to enable you to face everything that's required to be successful in this world of artificial intelligence growing at GoLogica. Master's in Pune Artificial Intelligence Engineer in GoLogica is sure to take you to the top-most levels in your career.

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Artificial Intelligence Engineer Syllabus

Deep Learning with TensorFlow

Deep learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on learning data representations, as opposed to task-specific algorithms. Learning can be supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised. Some representations are loosely based on interpretation of information processing and communication.

WEEK 14-16 50 Hours LIVE CLASS
Deep Learning with TensorFlow Training

HelloWorld with TensorFlow
Linear Regression
Nonlinear Regression
Logistic Regression
Activation Functions

CNN History
Understanding CNNs
CNN Application

Intro to RNN Model
Long Short-Term memory (LSTM)
Recursive Neural Tensor Network Theory
Recurrent Neural Network Model

Applications of Unsupervised Learning
Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Collaborative Filtering with RBM

Introduction to Autoencoders and Applications
Deep Belief Network

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

GoLogica is offering an instructor led extensive course on Artificial Intelligence(AI) course.  Artificial Intelligence is also called as Machine intelligence. This domain is constantly evolving and many applications are slowly moving towards this platform .

WEEK 8-10 40 Hours LIVE CLASS
Artificial Intelligence Training

Artificial Intelligence Training.html

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Applications, Industries
and growth
Techniques used for AI
AI for everything
Different methods used for AI
Tradition Methods & New Methods
AI Agents

Introduction to Anaconda
Installation of Anaconda Python Distribution : For Windows
Mac OS
and Linux
Jupyter Notebook Installation
Jupyter Notebook Introduction
Variable Assignment
Basic Data Types: Integer
None and Boolean; Typecasting
and slicing tuples
and slicing lists
and modifying dicts
Creating and using operations on sets
Basic Operators: 'in', '+', '*', Functions
Control Flow

NumPy Overview
and Types of ndarray
Class and Attributes of ndarray Object
Basic Operations: Concept and Examples
Accessing Array Elements: Indexing
Indexing with Boolean Arrays
Copy and Views
Universal Functions (ufunc)
Shape Manipulation
Linear Algebra

Introduction to Pandas
Data Structures
Missing Values
Data Operations
Data Standardization
Pandas File Read and Write Support
Data Acquisition (Import & Export)
Combining and Merging Data Frames
Normalization method
Removing Duplicates & String Manipulation

Introduction to Data Visualization
Python Libraries
Matplotlib Features
Line Properties Plot with (x, y)
Controlling Line Patterns and Colors
Set Axis
and Legend Properties
Alpha and Annotation
Multiple Plots

Regression Problem Analysis
Mathematical modeling of Regression Model
Gradient Descent Algorithm
Programming Process Flow
Use cases
Programming Using python
Building simple Univariate Linear Regression Model
Multivariate Regression Model
Boston Housing Prizes Prediction
Cancer Detection Predictive Analysis
Best Fit Line and Linear Regression

ANN & Working
Single Layer Perceptron Model
Multilayer Neural Network
Feed Forward Neural Network
Cost Function Formation
Applying Gradient Descent Algorithm
Backpropagation Algorithm & Mathematical Modelling
Programming Flow for backpropagation algorithm
Use Cases of ANN
Programming SLNN using Python
Programming MLNN using Python
Digit Recognition using MLNN
XOR Logic using MLNN & Backpropagation
Diabetes Data Predictive Analysis using ANN

Hierarchical Clustering
K Means Clustering
Use Cases for K Means Clustering
Programming for K Means using Python
Image Color Quantization using K Means Clustering Technique

Dimensionality Reduction
Data Compression
Concept and Mathematical modeling
Use Cases
Programming using Python
IRIS Data Analysis using PCA

Understand limitations of A Single Perceptron
Understand Neural Networks in Detail
Backpropagation : Learning Algorithm
Understand Backpropagation : Using Neural Network Example

Why Deep Learning?
SONAR Dataset Classification
What is Deep Learning?
Feature Extraction
Working of a Deep Network
Training using Backpropagation
Variants of Gradient Descent
Types of Deep Networks

Introduction to CNNs
CNNs Application
Architecture of a CNN
Convolution and Pooling layers in a CNN
Understanding and Visualizing a CNN
Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning Convolutional Neural Networks
Image classification using Keras deep learning library

Machine Learning

GoLogica’s training on Machine Learning will provide all the necessary training to become a certified Data Scientist with Proficiency in Python. Learn different algorithms like supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement algorithms. Get hands-on experience on statistical techniques, ML model, ML algorithms, focus on deep learning, basics of regression algorithms, SVM and Improving Performance, etc.

WEEK 1-3 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
Machine Learning Training

Data Science with Python

GoLogica provides Data Science with Python Training This course has been designed with a focus on quality and simplicity making it ideal for Beginners or for those looking for a refresher on Data Science with Python. It gives an engaging learning experience covering everything you need to know about Data Science.

WEEK 4-7 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
Data Science with Python Training

Your first program
Expressions and Variables
String Operations

Lists and Tuples

Conditions and Branching
Objects and Classes

Reading files with open
Writing files with open
Loading data with Pandas
Working with and Saving data with Pandas

Applied Data Science with Python

GoLogica provides online lessons to help you get better and advance in your work. Join our Python data science course to learn Python skills, work with data, and get better at stats and machine learning. Make cool pictures too Learn from teachers who know a lot, work on real projects, and grow in the world of data science. Come with us now for a practical learning session.

WEEK 11-13 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
Applied Data Science with Python Training

Python Data Science-Centric Libraries
NumPy Arrays
Select NumPy Operations
Creating a pandas DataFrame
Fetching and Sorting Data
Python Dev Tools and REPLs
Jupyter Operation Modes
Jupyter Common Commands

What is Data Science?
Data Science, Machine Learning, AI?
The Data-Related Roles
The Data Science Ecosystem
Tools of the Trade
Who is a Data Scientist?
Data Scientists at Work
Examples of Data Science Projects
An Example of a Data Product
Applied Data Science at Google
Data Science Gotchas

Typical Data Processing Pipeline
Data Discovery Phase
Data Harvesting Phase
Data Priming Phase
Exploratory Data Analysis
Model Planning Phase
Model Building Phase
Communicating the Results
Production Roll-out
Data Logistics and Data Governance
Data Processing Workflow Engines
Apache Airflow
Data Lineage and Provenance
Apache NiFi

Descriptive Statistics
Non-uniformity of a Probability Distribution
Using NumPy for Calculating Descriptive Statistics Measures
Finding Min and Max in NumPy
Using pandas for Calculating Descriptive Statistics Measures
Regression and Correlation
Getting Pairwise Correlation and Covariance Measures
Finding Min and Max in pandas DataFrame

Repairing and Normalizing Data
Dealing with the Missing Data
Sample Data Set
Getting Info on Null Data
Dropping a Column
Interpolating Missing Data in pandas
Replacing the Missing Values with the Mean Value
Scaling (Normalizing) the Data
Data Preprocessing with scikit-learn
Scaling with the scale() Function
The MinMaxScaler Object

Data Visualization
Data Visualization in Python
Getting Started with matplotlib
The matplotlib.pyplot.plot() Function
The matplotlib.pyplot.bar() Function
The matplotlib.pyplot.pie () Function
Using the matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec Object
The matplotlib.pyplot.subplot() Function
Saving Figures to a File
Getting Started with seaborn
Histograms and KDE
Plotting Bivariate Distributions
Scatter plots in seaborn
Pair plots in seaborn

Types of Machine Learning
Terminology: Features and Observations
Representing Observations
Terminology: Labels
Terminology: Continuous and Categorical Features
Continuous Features
Categorical Features
Common Distance Metrics
The Euclidean Distance
What is a Model
Supervised vs Unsupervised Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms
Choosing the Right Algorithm
The scikit-learn Package
scikit-learn Estimators, Models, and Predictors
Model Evaluation
The Error Rate
Confusion Matrix
The Binary Classification Confusion Matrix
Multi-class Classification Confusion Matrix Example
ROC Curve
Example of an ROC Curve
The AUC Metric
Feature Engineering
Scaling of the Features
Feature Blending (Creating Synthetic Features)
The 'One-Hot' Encoding Scheme
Example of 'One-Hot' Encoding Scheme
Bias-Variance (UnderfittingvsOverfitting) Trade-off
The Modeling Error Factors
One Way to Visualize Bias and Variance
UnderfittingvsOverfitting Visualization
Balancing Off the Bias-Variance Ratio
Regularization in scikit-learn
Regularization, Take Two
Dimensionality Reduction
PCA and isomap
The Advantages of Dimensionality Reduction
The LIBSVM format
Life-cycles of Machine Learning Development
Data Splitting into Training and Test Datasets
ML Model Tuning Visually
Data Splitting in scikit-learn
Cross-Validation Technique
Hands-on Exercise
Classification (Supervised ML) Examples
Classifying with k-Nearest Neighbors
k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
Hands-on Exercise
Regression Analysis
Regression vs Correlation
Regression vs Classification
Simple Linear Regression Model
Linear Regression Illustration
Least-Squares Method (LSM)
Gradient Descent Optimization
Multiple Regression Analysis
Evaluating Regression Model Accuracy
The R2 Model Score
The MSE Model Score
Logistic Regression (Logit)
Interpreting Logistic Regression Results
Decision Trees and Terminology
Properties of Decision Trees
Decision Tree Classification in the Context of Information Theory
The Simplified Decision Tree Algorithm
Using Decision Trees
Random Forests
Hands-On Exercise
Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
Naive Bayes Classifier (SL)
Naive Bayesian Probabilistic Model in a Nutshell
Bayes Formula
Classification of Documents with Naive Bayes
Unsupervised Learning Type: Clustering
Clustering Examples
k-Means Clustering (UL)
k-Means Clustering in a Nutshell
k-Means Characteristics
Global vs Local Minimum Explained
Hands-On Exercise
Gradient Boosting
Hands-On Exercise
A Better Algorithm or More Data?

What is Python?
Additional Documentation
Which version of Python am I running?
Python Dev Tools and REPLs
Jupyter Operation Modes
Jupyter Common Commands
Python Variables and Basic Syntax
Variable Scopes
The Python Programs
Getting Help
Variable Types
Assigning Multiple Values to Multiple Variables
Null (None)
Finding Index of a Substring
String Splitting
Triple-Delimited String Literals
Raw String Literals
String Formatting and Interpolation
Boolean and Boolean Operators
Looking Up the Runtime Type of a Variable
Relational Operators
The if-elif-else Triad
An if-elif-else Example
Conditional Expressions (a.k.a. Ternary Operator)
The While-Break-Continue Triad
The for Loop
Main List Methods
Working with Dictionaries
Common Set Operations
Set Operations Examples
Finding Unique Elements in a List
Unpacking Tuples
Dealing with Arbitrary Number of Parameters
Keyword Function Parameters
The range Object
Random Numbers
Python Modules
Importing Modules
Installing Modules
Listing Methods in a Module
Creating Your Own Modules
Creating a Runnable Application
List Comprehension
Zipping Lists
Working with Files
Reading and Writing Files
Reading Command-Line Parameters
Accessing Environment Variables
What is Functional Programming (FP)?
Terminology: Higher-Order Functions
Lambda Functions in Python
Example: Lambdas in the Sorted Function
Other Examples of Using Lambdas
Regular Expressions
Using Regular Expressions Examples
Python Data Science-Centric Libraries

To become a master in Artificial Intelligence Engineer?

Skills Covered

Artificial Intelligence Engineer Master’s Program skills covered

Tools Covered

Artificial Intelligence Engineer Master’s Program tools covered

Career Support

Personalized Industry Session

This will help you to better understand the Artificial Intelligence industry.

High-Performance Coaching

you will be able to grow your career by broadening your proficiency in Artificial Intelligence Engineer.

Career Mentorship Sessions

With this, the students will be able to decide their careers in the right way.

Interview Preparation

We Help with face-to-face interaction through mock interviews & Exams

Artificial Intelligence Engineer Master’s Program career support

Program Fee

Program Fee: 67000 /-

60300 /-

Discount: 6700

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Artificial Intelligence Engineer Certification

GoLogica Artificial Intelligence Engineer Certification holds accreditation from major global companies worldwide. Upon completion of both theoretical and practical sessions, we offer certification to both freshers and corporate trainees. Our certification on Artificial Intelligence Engineer is recognized globally through GoLogica, significantly enhances the value of your resume, opening doors to prominent job positions within leading MNCs. Attainment of this certification is contingent upon the successful completion of our training program and practical projects.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer certificate

Job Outlook

Career Opportunities & Annual Growth

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 42% increase in employment for Artificial Intelligence Engineer analysts from 2020 to 2027, significantly outpacing the average for all occupations. Additionally, Artificial Intelligence Engineer Ventures predicts 2.4 million unfilled Artificial Intelligence jobs worldwide by 2030.

Salary Trend

According to the BLS, Artificial Intelligence Engineer professionals are well-compensated. The median annual wage for Artificial Intelligence Engineer Specialist was $90,000 to $150,000 PA. It’s depending on factors such as experience, location, and specific job responsibilities.

Job Titles

Are you preparing for a interview? If yes, our expert tutors will help you with this.

  • AI Engineer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Research Scientist
  • AI Architect
  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • Robotics Engineer
  • AI Product Manager
  • AI Consultant

Artificial Intelligence Engineer Faq’s

• Learn the concept, phases, implementations, impacts, and many more.
• Basic programming techniques and features. It includes data types, basic operators, tuples, data types, etc.
• How to develop Python programs and make use of the Jupyter Notebook for analyzing basic data.
• How to use the SciPy and NumPy packages for high-level technical and mathematical.
• Artificial neural networks, high-level NLP interfaces, and training deep RNN networks.

• Data Analysts.
• Undergraduates and Fresher’s.
• Individuals who want to begin their career as an AI engineer.
• Software Engineers.
• Business Intelligence Professionals.

It is a training program, which helps the students to learn about artificial intelligence in detail. Also, will help you learn how to develop work-ready AI skills.

Joining NLP courses is not necessary. However, these courses can benefit you in your career as an AI engineer. NLP or natural language processing is a vital subfield of AI, which understands and processes human language. With this course, you will gain specialized knowledge and techniques for developing advanced AI models to understand and generate human knowledge.

• Deep dive into the purposes, phases, concepts, domains, implementations, breadth, and impacts of artificial intelligence.
• Attain proficiency in basic programming features & technical aspects. It includes tuples, functions, arrays, functions, data types, lists, and basic operators.
• Experience in data exploration, hypothesis formulation, data wrangling, data visualization, and testing techniques in Data Science.
• Knowledge of core functions, principles, execution pipeline, and operations of TensorFlow.
And many more.

It helps you become an expert in artificial intelligence. With this program, you will acquire knowledge and practical skills for understanding and implementing several AI technologies, concepts, and algorithms. The Master’s program includes machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, deep learning, and many more.

Having knowledge of Python programming and a basic understanding of statistics is essential for students joining this Master’s program. This will help us understand the basic concepts of AI and ML.

This course will help you learn the principles of statistics for Python programming, feature engineering, machine learning, and data visualization. With this, you will learn how to make use of Python libraries such as Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Matplotlib. This course will also teach you machine learning techniques such as unsupervised and supervised learning. Also, will help you learn advanced concepts like layers of data, TensorFlow, artificial neural networks, and feature extraction.

No! Coding knowledge is not necessary to do this Master’s program.

The salary range for AI engineers varies. It depends on various factors such as industry, location, experience, and many more.

It varies depending on the knowledge & experience of an individual in the field. The program is designed for freshers and individuals with a basic knowledge of this field. Thus, it would be good if you have knowledge or background in programming, computer science, and mathematics for better learning experience.

Yes! A graduate degree is needed. It would be good if you have a background in mathematics, computer science, etc. Also, having basic technical skills is enough to join this course.

• Online AI engineer Master’s program offers convenience and flexibility as compared to offline ones.
• Online courses simplify networking via virtual discussions & online communities. However, offline programs offer wide access to digital resources.
• Online programs are done through virtual classrooms and digital platforms. However, offline programs consist of attending workshops, and physical classes at a specific place.

Having basic statistical knowledge and Python programming concepts is good. This will help the students to understand the AI and machine learning concepts.

You can finish the certification course in 4 to 6 months.

Design, develop, and implement AI systems & algorithms. An AI engineer has to develop machine learning models, optimize algorithms, and evaluate data for certain tasks. They collaborate with software engineers and data scientists to develop intelligent systems to learn, acclimate, and make decisions.

It provides a comprehensive curriculum to provide students with an in-depth understanding of AI theories, applications, concepts, and algorithms. Once you complete this Master’s program, you will get a detailed understanding of AI. You can make use of this knowledge for developing real-world games, projects, logic restraint satisfaction concerns, prediction models, and many more. Also, will help you learn about the vital aspects of data science.

This course will help you attain a competitive edge over your peers and develop job-ready skills. The classes are taken by top-notch industry experts with rich domain experience. With this course, you will get to know about several AI concepts like computer vision, neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, etc.

• Data Scientist.
• Statistical Programming Specialist.
• Artificial Intelligence Engineer.
• Machine Learning Engineer.
• Analytics Lead/Manager.
• Artificial Intelligence Consultant.
• Research Engineer.

Enquiry Now

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