Home Master Programs Automation Testing

Automation Testing Course in Hyderabad, IN

(4.9) 4043 ratings.

Enroll in the GoLogica Automation Testing Program in Hyderabad. Learn tools like Selenium, Apache JMeter, and Appium to automate testing processes. Gain hands-on experience and become a certified automation testing expert. Advance your career in software testing with industry-relevant skills!
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Automation Testing Masters Program

Next Batch Starts

4th Apr 2025

Program Duration

6 Months

Learning Format

Online Bootcamp

Why Join this Program?

GoLogica Acadamic

GoLogica Academic's Master Program features a structured curriculum, paving the way to Global scope.

Industry Experience

GoLogica having a 15+ years of experience on career transforming programs with industrial oriented Skills.

Latest AI Trends

GoLogica Advanced Programs delivers cutting-edge AI Training, offering insights into the latest trends.

Hands-on Experience

GoLogica emphasizes practical learning with exercises, projects to equip you with real world application.

Learners Achievement

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Automation Testing Program Details

Software testing using automated tools to run tests and compare results to expectations is known as automation testing. It involves creating codes and using programs to perform predictable, data-driven, and repeatable tasks, reducing the need for human intervention.


We developed the test automation courses at GoLogica based on advice from industry professionals and extensive study. It will assist you with mastering the principles of DevOps, API testing with REST Assured, mobile app testing with Appium, performance testing with JMeter and Java, and software testing with Selenium. Experts in the field will also provide you with practical experience using their equipment and systems. You will receive assistance from GoLogica, a training facility in Hyderabad, throughout your academic journey.


Enrolling in this online automation testing course does not require any prior knowledge. However, GoLogica provides free self-paced courses on your LMS to refresh your knowledge in SQL Essentials, Python Scripting, Software Development Fundamentals, Manual Testing, Continuous Testing in DevOps, and Automation Testing using TestComplete 11.0. This training program in automation testing is intended for individuals who are skilled professionals in the IT business or those who are just starting in the field.


Prominent industry professionals propose the Automation Testing Certification Courses as a systematic study route that guarantees your proficiency in automated testing—analyzing the wide range of its market implementation allowed for the creation of this program. The topics covered in our online courses on automation testing include Blackbox/Whitebox Testing, Functional and Non-functional Testing, Bug Reporting Tools, TestNG, Selenium IDE, IFrames, AI Testing with REST Assured, Postman, Katalon, DevOps, Mobile App Testing, Performance Testing, and many more pertinent subjects.


The GoLogica automation testing certification program, which is located in Hyderabad, offers a thoughtfully crafted combination of instructor-led and self-paced sessions that allow students to learn at their own pace with supervision from industry professionals.  Software Testing Fundamentals, Automation Testing using TestComplete, Performance Testing using JMeter, Java Essentials, SQL Essentials, Python Scripting, and Software Development Fundamentals are self-paced courses. Instructor-led sessions cover Selenium, manual testing, continuous testing using DevOps, and mobile app testing using Appium.


Working in the field of software automation offers a bright future. The demand for software programs has elevated the importance of automated testing, and this pattern is expected to persist in the future. In addition to reducing the time needed for testing, automated testing improves the breadth of tests, increases accuracy, and finds mistakes early in the development cycle. The industry is in great demand for software automation test engineers due to a shortage of qualified candidates.

Are you excited about this?

Automation Testing Syllabus

Performance Testing

Permormance testing online training at GoLogica gives you knowledge on Performance tests, a non-utilitarian testing procedure performed to decide the framework parameters regarding responsiveness and soundness under different workload. Performance testing measures the quality characteristics of the framework, for example, adaptability, dependability and asset use.

WEEK 7-8 30 Hours Live Class

Java Version
Running JMeter
JMeter Classpath
Using a Proxy Server
Non-GUI Mode
Configuring JMeter

Loading and Saving Elements
Adding and Removing Elements
Configuring Tree Elements
Running a Test Plan
Thread Group
Generative and Logic Controllers
Assertions and Configuration Elements

Adding Users
Adding Default HTTP Request Properties
Adding Cookie Support and HTTP Requests
Adding a File Reporter to Store the Test Results
Saving and Running the Test Plan
Building a Database Test Plan

Introducing LoadRunner
Why should you automate performance test
What are the LoadRunner components?
Understanding LoadRunner Terminology
LoadRunner Installation and architecture
Where to install LoadRunner components
Identify hardware and software needed for
What is the load testing process?
Getting Familiar with HP Web Tours
Application Requirements
The Power of Load Runner
Running and Monitoring the Load Test
Analysing Results

VuGen and Vuser Overview
Task Pane Overview
Script Sections
HP Load Runner Licensing
VuGen Code Overview and Code Tools
HP Service Test Features
Multiple Protocol Scripts
Online Resources
How to Create a Vuser Script – Workflow
How to Create a Business Process Report
How to Compare Scripts Side by Side
Vuser Types
Keyboard Shortcuts
Main User Interface
Protocol Advisor
Protocol Advisor Overview
How to use the Protocol Advisor
Protocol Advisor User Interface
Providing Authentication Information
Script Directory Files
Vuser Script Templates

How to Create or Open a Vuser Script
How to Work with zip Files
How to Import Code from a Script
How to Record a Vuser Script
How to Regenerate a Vuser Script
How to Create and Open Vuser Script Temp
Files Generated During Recording
Recording User Interface
Replaying and Debugging Vuser Scripts
Replay Overview
How to Replay a Vuser Script
How to Run a Vuser Script from a Command
How to Debug Scripts with Breakpoints
How to Use Bookmarks
Files Generated During Replay
Replay User Interface
Preparing Scripts for Load Testing
Password Encoding
Encrypting Text
Transaction Overview
Rendezvous Points
Think Time

How to Encode a Password
How to Create a Controller Scenario from
How to Insert Transactions
How to Display Transactions
How to Prepare a Script for Load Testing
How to Insert Steps into a Script

Preparing Scripts for Load Test User Int
Viewing Test Results
Test Results Overview
Customizing the Test Results Display
How to Configure the Appearance of the T
How to Open the Test Results of a Specif
How to Find Steps in the Test Results

Correlation Overview
Correlation Vs Parameterization
Automatic Correlation
Determining Which Values to Correlate
Wdiff Utility
How to Correlate Scripts – Web (HTTP/HTM)
How to Search for Values that Need Corre
How to Manually Correlate Web Scripts
Parameter Overview
Parameter Types
Recording Options
Port Mapping Overview
Port Mapping Auto Detection
EUC-Encoding (Japanese Windows only)
Script Generation P Overview
Script Language Options
Recording Levels Overview
Run-Time Settings
Run-Time Settings Overview
Error Handling
Content Checking Overview
Logging Server Messages

Planning Load Test Scenarios
Load Test Planning Overview
Load Testing Objectives
How to Plan a Load Test
How to Analyze the Application
How to Define the Load Test Objectives
Designing Scenarios
Load Test Scenario s Overview
Manual Scenarios
Goals Types for Goal-Oriented Scenarios
How to Design a Goal-Oriented Scenario
How to Design a Manual Scenario
How to Change the Scenario Mode (Manual)
How to View/Modify Scripts in the Scenar
Vuser Statuses
Design View User Interface
Load Generators
Load Generators Overview
Load Balancing
How to Add Load Generators to a Scenario
How to Modify Load Generator Details
How to Connect/Disconnect a Load Generat
Scheduling Manual Scenarios
Scheduling Manual Scenarios Overview
Scheduling by Scenario or Group
Schedule Run Modes
How to Define a Schedule for the Scenario
How to Add Actions to the Scenario Schedule
How to Edit Schedule Actions

Configuring Scenario Options
Configuring Scenario Options Overview
Expert Mode
Run-Time File Storage Locations
Before Running Your Scenario
How to Prepare a Scenario to Run
Scenario Pre-Run Configuration User Inter
Running Scenarios
Running Scenarios Overview
How to Run a Scenario
Control Vusers During a Scenario
Run Use-Case Scenario252
Online Monitor Graphs
Online Monitor Graphs Overview
How to Display Online Monitor Graphs
How to Customize Online Graph and Measure
How to Manage Online Graphs
Available Graphs Tree

Introduction to Analysis
Analysis Overview
Analysis Basics
Analysis Graphs
Configuring Analysis
Summary Data Versus Complete Data
Configuration Options User Interface
Configuring Graph Display
Sorting Graph Data Overview
How to Customize the Analysis Display
How to Customize the Analysis Display
Configuring Graph Display User Interface
Filtering and Sorting Graph Data
Filtering Graph Data Overview
Sorting Graph Data Overview
Filter Conditions
Filter Conditions User Interface
Working with Analysis Graph Data
Drilling Down in a Graph
Changing the Granularity of the Data
Viewing Measurement Trends
Auto Correlating Measurements
How to Manage Graph Data
Analysis Graph Data User Interface
Viewing Load Test Scenario Information
Viewing Load Test Scenario Information
How to Configure Controller Output Messa
Load Test Scenario User Interface
Cross Result and Merged Graphs
Cross Result and Merged Graphs Overview
Cross Result Graphs Overview
Merging Types Overview
How to Generate Cross Results Graphs
How to Generate Merged Graphs
Merge Graphs User Interface
Transaction Graphs
Vuser Graph
Error Graph


Selenium is used to test the usefulness of web applications. In the Selenium Online Training, you work with Data and Keyword headed to program test their usefulness. GoLogica giving the best way to make learn selenium simple with fundamental Java ideas through online and arranged viable selenium course substance.

WEEK 10-11 40 Hours LIVE CLASS
Selenium Training

What is Automation Testing?
Advantages & Disadvantages of Automation Testing
Automation Criteria (Whether to Automate or Not)
Web Applications
Web Testing and Test Automation for Web Applications

Introducing Selenium
Selenium IDE
Selenium Web Driver
Selenium Grid
Supported Browsers
Flexibility and Extensibility

Installation of Eclipse
Usage of Eclipse
Sample JAVA Program to Get Hands on Eclipse
Running & Debugging JAVA Programs
JUnit Basics
Using JUnit with Selenium Web Driver
Configuring your machine for Selenium
Exercise on JUnit
Selenium Web Driver

Installing and Opening IDE
IDE Features
Building Test Cases
Running Test Cases in Firefox
Running Test Cases with Web Driver Playback Support
Using Base URL to Run Test Cases in Different Domains
Multi Language Formats
Using Test Suites
User Extensions Extending the IDEs functionality
Exercise on Selenium IDE

Selenium WebDriver (How to use WebDriver, WebDriver drivers, Writing WebDriver scripts, WebDriver Backed Selenium
Backing WebDriver with Selenium )
Selenium WebDriver Configuration with Eclipse
Locator Strategies ( By ID, By Name, By Link, By PartialLink, By XPath, By CSS Selector, By Tag, By Class )
X-PATH and Different Techniques ( X-Path Absolute, X-Path Attribute, X-Path Relative, X-Path finder tools )
Hands on WebDriver Commands
Running WebDriver Tests on Internet Explorer
Firefox & Google Chrome
Reporting & Verifying Results
Debugging WebDriver Tests
Selenium Server Installation
How Remote WebDriver Works
Exercise on Selenium WebDriver

Locating Page and UI Elements
Commands for Text-boxes
Input tags
Commands for Radio buttons
Commands for Select tag/Lists/Drop-downs
Commands/Methods to deal with AJAX applications
Dynamic HTML
Commands to deal with Alerts
Popups and Multiple Windows
Sequence of Evaluation and Flow Control
Verifying Page Elements and their Attributes
Exercise on Selenium WebDriver Commands

Sample Project Implementation using the Framework
Creation of Framework with Selenium WebDriver
Data Driving in Selenium WebDriver with Excel files (Data Driven Framework)
Usage of Hybrid Framework (Keyword Driven & Data Driven)
Commands/Methods to deal with AJAX applications, Dynamic HTML
Framework Advantages (Maintainability, Re-usability)
Exercise on Hybrid Automation Framework

Selenium Grid Overview
Setting up Selenium Grid
Grid as Collection of Selenium WebDriver nodes
Understanding & Using Desired Capabilities Class
Running Parallel & Distributed tests using Selenium Grid
Exercise on Selenium Grid


GoLogica is a worldwide supplier of web based preparing offering a whole scope of IT Professional courses through online training. The educational programs for each course is outlined from a learner’s point of view and tries to coordinate the business standard of constant condition.

WEEK 5-6 20 Hours LIVE CLASS

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
SDLC Models
Levels of Dynamic Testing
Dynamic Testing Approach or Methodologies
Static Testing Technique

Black Box Testing Technique
Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)
STLC Templates

Test Scenarios
Test Case Preparation
Traceability Matrix
Bug Life Cycle
Bug Reports

Web Application Testing
Software Configuration Management
Test Management

Mobile Testing

With the GoLogica Mobile Testing course learn the Usefulness of Application Testing on Mobile phones/Smartphones, testing approaches related to Mobile Testing, the Advantages of types of different testing processes and case type building, and test schemes, and become an expert on Mobile Testing.

WEEK 7-8 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
Mobile Testing Training

FSL Introduction
Various modules of FSL

TPackage Installation
Page Layout Assignment

Common Inventory Management Tasks
Track Required Inventory
Request Inventory
Transfer Inventory
Track Inventory Consumption
Track Inventory Shipments
Track Customer Returns

Create Work Order
Create Maintenance Plans
Create Multiple Maintenance Schedules

Field Service Lightning Objects
Field Service Lightning Limits and Limitations

Shift Schedule
Create Flexible Work Shifts
Create Shifts from a Pattern
Guidelines for Shift Availability

Timesheets Management
Create Absences
View Travel Routes and Calendars
Manage Service Crew Membership

Create Appointments
Schedule Appointments
Unscheduled Appointments
Reschedule Appointments
Fix Schedule Overlaps
Group Nearby Appointments
Fill Schedule Gaps
Dispatch Appointments

Manage Scheduling Policies
Manage Work Rule
Custom Gantt Filters

Appointment List
Field Service Object Fields

Software Testing Fundamentals

GoLogica Software Testing Fundamentals course is your doorway to understanding how software works. You will gain knowledge from experts that will provide additional support for your career growth.

WEEK 10-11 40 Hours LIVE CLASS
Software Testing Fundamentals Training

Understand different testing types– unit, integration, system, sanity, smoke, interface, regression, acceptance
Define functional and non-functional testing
Overview of Software Development Life Cycle
UI vs API testing
Manual vs Automation testing
Overview of writing test cases for UI and API

Identifying test conditions and designing test cases
Categories of test design tech
STLC and test design scenarios
Test case writing process
Test data generation, positive, negative test cases, BVT (boundary values)
Test sheet generation
Test case management--> Google Drive, Jira
Test execution manually on UI, API and through automation on UI, API

Introduction to DevOps
Continuous Development using Git
The concepts, and vocabulary of DevOps CI/CD
The purpose and benefits of CI/CD in DevOps
Tools involved in creating CI/CD pipeline (Git, Jenkins)
Building jobs using Jenkins, test management, and results analysis
JMeter for Performance Testing

Bug reporting using Jira
Bundling of bugs
Overview of different test environments
Why test environments are important

Automation TestComplete 11.0

Learn the GoLogica Test Complete course to learn all about Automation Testing. Our course is made by experts in the field, and it gives you flexibility, support all day and night, and practical training. Enjoy online classes where you can talk to the teacher and other students. Get free study materials and advice from industry experts. When you finish, you get a certificate that makes your job options better.

WEEK 6-7 24 Hours LIVE CLASS
Automation Testing using TestComplete 11.0 Course

Test Automation Architecture
Testing Process
Testing Strategy
Six Phases of Testing
TestComplete Installation

Test Complete IDE
Project Workspace& Explorer
Projects Suite & Projects Items
Object Browser Tab
Test Complete Test Object Model
Test Complete User Interface, Projects and Settings
Managing Projects, Project Suites and Project Items

Scripting Language selection
Script Project Items
Code Editor
Function in other Units and Projects
Playing Back and Analyzing the Test
Reviewing the Result from
Configuring the Log window
Test log project options

About Checkpoints and storing
Property Checkpoints
Object Checkpoints
Table Checkpoints
Database Checkpoints
File Checkpoints
XML Checkpoints
Region Checkpoints
Mobile Checkpoints
Clipboard Checkpoints
Manual Checkpoints
Web Service Checkpoints
Web Accessibility Checkpoints
Web Comparison Checkpoints
Checkpoint Wizard
Quick Checkpoints
Using Key Columns

Parameterizing Tests - Overview
Parameterizing Script Routines
Parameterizing Keyword Tests
Parameterizing Tests Using Variables
Parameterizing Tests Using External Data Sources
Variable Collections
Variable Data Types

Chart of Accounts
Exploring Applications - Overview
Object Browser
Object Spy Window
GUI Explorer
Exploring an Application’s Graphical User Interface
Viewing COM Object Properties, Methods and Events
Categories of Object Methods and Properties
Selecting Objects: 'Drag the Target...' Mode
Selecting Objects: 'Point and Fix' Mode

Data-Driven Testing - Basic Concepts
Preparing Data for the Data-Driven Testing
Using Scripts for Data-Driven Testing
Using Keyword Tests for Data-Driven Testing
Using DDT Drivers
Organizing Data Storages
Using Excel Files as Data Storages
Using CSV Files as Data Storages
Using Database Tables as Data Storages
Data-Driven Testing - Retrieving Input Data from Storage
Using Data Generators

Debugging a Keyword-Driven Test
Methods of Starting a Debug Session Contents
Exploring the Debugger Windows
Call Stack
Watch List
Event Handling

Selecting the Scripting Language
Supported Scripting Languages - Specifics of Usage
Calling Routines
Calling Methods Asynchronously
Calling Project Items From Scripts
TestComplete Helper Objects
Handling Exceptions in Scripts
Using Dictionary Object To Address Array Elements With String Indexes
Using Namespaces
Using Regular Expressions in Scripts
Using Structures in Scripts
Using Timers
Working With Various Objects In Script Tests
Converting Scripts From One Scripting Language To Another
How to Create or Delete a Script Routine
Code Editor
Code Explorer
Sending Email From Scripts

Web Application Testing
Understanding TestComplete's View of Web Applications
Internet Explorer Process Nodes
The Page Object
Object Browser's Hybrid Mode
Web Application Login
Web Stores & Checkpoints
Web Comparison
Web Accessibility and Reviewing Test Results

Overview of Web Services
Importing a Web Service
Using the Web Services Checkpoint
Calling Web Service Functions
Object Browser's Hybrid Mode
Web Application Login
Web Stores & Checkpoints
Web Comparison
Web Accessibility

Continuous Testing in DevOps

Learn the GoLogica Continuous Testing in DevOps course to understand automated testing, integration, and collaboration between development and operations. Master the skills needed for efficient and quality-driven software delivery to stay ahead in the competitive IT field.

WEEK 5-6 20 Hours LIVE CLASS
Continuous Testing in DevOps Training

Why DevOps?
What is DevOps?
DevOps market trends
DevOps Engineer skills
DevOps delivery pipeline
DevOps ecosystem

What is Version Control?
What is Git?
Why Git for your organization
Install Git
Working with remote repositories
Branching and merging in Git
Git workflows
Git cheat sheet

What is CI?
Why CI is required?
Introduction to Jenkins (with architecture)
Introduction to Maven
Jenkins management
Building a delivery pipeline
Implementation of Jenkins in an Edureka project

Introduction to Selenium
Why Selenium?
Selenium – Webdriver
Creating test cases in Selenium WebDriver (waits)
What is X-Path and why use it?
Handling different controls on a webpage
Framework in Selenium
Selenium integration with Jenkins

To become a master in Automation Testing?

Skills Covered

Automation Testing Masters Program skills covered

Tools Covered

Automation Testing Masters Program tools covered

Career Support

Personalized Industry Session

This will help you to better understand the Automation Testing.

High-Performance Coaching

Broaden Your Automation Testing Skills to Boost Career Prospects.

Career Mentorship Sessions

With this, the students will be able to decide their careers in the right way.

Interview Preparation

We Help with face-to-face interaction through mock interviews & Exams

Automation Testing Masters Program career support

Program Fee

Program Fee: 66000 /-

59400 /-

Discount: 6600

Powered by




Automation Testing Certification

GoLogica Automation Testing Certification holds accreditation from major global companies worldwide. Upon completion of both theoretical and practical sessions, we offer certification to both freshers and corporate trainees. Our certification on Automation Testing is recognized globally through GoLogica, significantly enhances the value of your resume, opening doors to prominent job positions within leading MNCs. Attainment of this certification is contingent upon the successful completion of our training program and practical projects.

Automation Testing certificate

Job Outlook

Personalized Industry Session

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 32% increase in employment for Automation Testing from 2020 to 2030, significantly outpacing the average for all occupations. Additionally, Automation Testing Ventures predicts 3.1 million unfilled Automation Testing jobs worldwide by 2025.

High-Performance Coaching

According to the BLS, Automation Testing professionals are well-compensated. The median annual wage for information Automation Testing Specialist was $ 143,794 PA It’s depending on factors such as experience, location, and specific job responsibilities.

Job Titles

Are you preparing for a interview? If yes, our expert tutors will help you with this.

  • Automation Test Engineer/Developer
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Test Automation Architect
  • Performance Test Engineer
  • DevOps Test Automation Enginee
  • Software Development Engineer in Test

Automation Testing Faq’s

Nothing! This Master’s Program is designed for all the aspirants who want to develop their career in Test Automation.

No. We do not suggest any order to complete this course.

Design & develop automated test scripts.
Manage automated test scripts.
Implement automated tests.
Report problems.
Quality assurance.
CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery)


A software engineer expert in developing & implementing automated tests for software apps. These engineers design, develop, and implement test scripts that can simulate user interactions with an app. Not only this, but also verify functionality and confirm system performance.

They make use of several frameworks and tools to create automated tests. This includes test automation frameworks such as Appium, selenium, and TestComplete. They might also use programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript.

Yes! We will issue the certification after completing this course.

It’s not compulsory. However, it will help you communicate with developers and perform unit testing.

An automation test engineer develops, designs, tests, & deploys test automation solutions for developing apps without any error.

No! It will be very easy if you have a computer science background or have experience in software development.

The recommended time to finish this Automation Testing Master’s Program is 16 weeks. However, learners can finish this Master’s Program at their own pace.

IT Team Leaders.
QA Engineers.
Project Managers.
Data Analysts.
Software Developers.

It is a blend of self-paced and instructor-led courses. This helps the learners to learn at their own pace and also get guidance from the top industry experts.


Career growth- Test Automation Engineering is a field within software development. Thus, it offers several opportunities for growth and advancement in a career. Proficient testing- Test Automation Engineers can help companies in achieving proficient testing by automating time-consuming and repetitive manual testing tasks. This results in thorough testing and quicker release cycles.

Increased demand- As the demand for software applications is increasing, the demand for Test Automation Engineers is also increasing. These engineers can help companies make sure that their software is of premium quality and functions as per the requirements.

It is a final project, which consolidates all you’re learning from this Master’s Program. Through this project, you can know the business case and provide a solution to resolve the problems given in the project.

Candidates must have completed 10+2 or a bachelor's degree.

Biochemical Manufacturing
Water and Wastewater
Chemical and Petrochemical
Medical device Manufacturing
Oil and Gas
Mining and Metal Extraction
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Food Processing and Beverage/Drinks Manufacturing

Whitebox/Blackbox Testing.
Non-functional and Functional Testing.
Continuous Testing in DevOps.
Selenium IDE.
Mobile app Testing.
And many more.

Once you join this Master’s Program, you will get access to all the courses related to it.

Yes! The demand for software applications is increasing and as a result, the need for Automation Testing has also increased and it is expected to continue in the coming years

Our Automation Testing Master’s Program is designed after proper recommendations and research from the top industry experts. With this course, you will become an expert in the concepts of software testing, DevOps, Java, selenium, performance testing with the help of JMeter, mobile app testing with the help of Appium, and Automation Testing with the help of TestComplete11.0.

Product Manager.
IT Management.
Company Architect.

Enquiry Now

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