Home Master Programs Big Data Architect Course in Hyderabad

Big Data Engineer Training in Hyderabad, IN

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Empower your career with GoLogica Big Data Architect Course Training in Hyderabad. Master Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases. Gain practical experience with real-world projects and prepare for certification. Become a certified Big Data Architect and lead large-scale data solutions. Enroll now!
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Big Data Architect Masters Program

Next Batch Starts

27th Feb 2025

Program Duration

6 Months

Learning Format

Online Bootcamp

Why Join this Program?

GoLogica Acadamic

GoLogica Academic's Master Program features a structured curriculum, paving the way to Global scope.

Industry Experience

GoLogica having a 15+ years of experience on career transforming programs with industrial oriented Skills.

Latest AI Trends

GoLogica Advanced Programs delivers cutting-edge AI Training, offering insights into the latest trends.

Hands-on Experience

GoLogica emphasizes practical learning with exercises, projects to equip you with real world application.

Learners Achievement

Maximum Salary Hike


Average Salary Hike


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Big Data Architect Program Details

The most rapidly expanding and promising technology is big data, which supports highly sought-after professions like big data engineering and big data solutions architecture. You'll be able to land the greatest positions in this field with the help of our course in big data architecture. This GoLogica training course from Hyderabad has been designed with your ability to grasp Hadoop architecture and the business intelligence field in mind. After completing the course, you'll know exactly how to take raw data and turn it into insightful business information. Applying in this manner will allow you to be considered for the best positions within the Big Data ecosystem.


A deep understanding of big data technologies, including Hadoop, Spark, Impala, and others, is intended to be imparted through this certification. This path is for people who want to become Big Data Training individual courses at GoLogica concentrate on specialization in one or two specialized abilities.


The Big Data Architects After extensive investigation and suggestions from professionals in the field, the learning course was assembled. Proficiency across several platforms and practical expertise with key tools and platforms will enable you to stand out from the competition. Because GoLogica is incredibly committed, we will support you throughout your educational path.


Even new students might benefit from this Big Data Architecture course. It will be advantageous for you to follow our course more easily if you have some fundamental knowledge of distributed systems, SQL, Java, and data structures. The highly qualified trainers at GoLogica break down concepts into easily understood language and answer any questions you may have.


To be eligible for the course credential, you have to satisfactorily complete all individual courses as well as try your hand at and finish the capstone project. You can easily receive employment offers in a variety of business industries with this highly sought-after Big Data Course Program Certification.


It is not difficult to learn big data architecture because it just requires a basic understanding of programming languages and data analysis abilities. Our highly qualified instructors can convey ideas simply while keeping in mind the various needs of their students.

Are you excited about this?

Big Data Architect Syllabus

Big data Hadoop

The “Prologue to Big Data and Hadoop” is a perfect course bundle for people who need to comprehend the essential ideas of Big Data and Hadoop. On finishing this course, learners will have the capacity to translate what goes behind the preparing of immense volumes of information as the business changes over from exceeding expectations based investigation to continuous examination.

WEEK 7-8 30 Hours LIVE CLASS

Hadoop Distributed File System
Hadoop Architecture
MapReduce & HDFS

Introduction to Pig
Hive and HBase
Other eco system Map

Moving the Data into Hadoop and Data out from Hadoop
Reading and Writing the files in HDFS using java program
The Hadoop Java API for MapReduce is Mapper
Reducer and Driver Class
Writing Basic MapReduce Program In java
Understanding the MapReduce Internal Components
Hbase MapReduce Program
Hive Overview and Working with Hive

Working with Pig and Sqoop Overview
Moving the Data from RDBMS to Hadoop, RDBMS to Hbase and RDBMS to Hive
Moving the Data from Web server Into Hadoop
Real Time Example in Hadoop
Apache Log viewer Analysis and Market Basket Algorithms

Introduction in Hadoop and Hadoop Related Eco System
Choosing Hardware for Hadoop Cluster nodes and Apache Hadoop Installation
Standalone Mode
Pseudo Distributed Mode and Fully Distributed Mode
Installing Hadoop Eco System and Integrate With Hadoop

Pig and Sqoop Installation

Horton Works and Cloudera Installation
Hadoop Commands usage and Import the data in HDFS
Sample Hadoop Examples (Word count program and Population problem)
Monitoring The Hadoop Cluster with Ganglia
Nagios and JMX
Hadoop Configuration management Tool and Benchmarking


Gologica offers comprehensive Scala training courses that cover the language's fundamentals and advanced concepts like concurrency and distributed computing. Learn from our expert instructors and start building powerful and scalable applications.

WEEK 6-7 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
Scala Training Course

Scala and Java - which to use
When and why
Overview of Scala development tools (Eclipse, Scala, Sbt, Maven, Gradle, REPL, ScalaTest)
Overview of Scala Frameworks
Scala Syntax Fundamentals

Variables and Operators
Functions and lambdas
Scala Statements / Loops / Expressions
Extending Built-ins
Easy I/O in Scala
Object-Oriented Programming with Scala

Companion objects
Val and def
Exception Handling
Inheritance and the Object Hierarchy
Packages and package objects
Test-Driven Development (TDD) with Scala
Writing good JUnit Tests
Using Scala Test

What is functional programming?
Pure & First Class
Anonymous and Higher Order Functions
Closures & Partials
Functional concepts & TDD
Collections and Generics
Java and Scala Collections
Mutable and immutable collections
Using generic types
Tuples and dictionaries
Functional programming and collections
Fold and filter
Flattening collections and flat Map
The For Comprehension
Pattern Matching with Scala
Using Match
Case Classes and Wildcards
Case Constructors & Deep Matching
Using Extractors

Parsing XML
Native Scala XML API
Converting objects to and from XML
Scala and Concurrency with Akka
Creating and using threads
Futures and promises
Introduction to actors and Akka
Creating actor systems
Handling errors
Using Routers

Core Java

GoLogica designed Core Java Online Training for the advantage of understudies and working experts to proceed in their vocation with altered and very much organized Course Syllabus. To learn Core Java you should simply to enroll and go to a demo with live teacher drove instructional courses.

WEEK 4-5 20 Hours LIVE CLASS
Core Java Training

Flow Control
Conditional constructs
Different types of if condition
Looping constructs
break, continue
Switch statement
Object Oriented Programming
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

Instance & Static variables
Instance & Static methods
Static & Instance blocks
Package creation
Importing packages and Class
Extending classes
Constructor calling chain
The “super” keyword
Method overriding and Method hiding
Final Class and Method
Abstract classes and Interfaces and methods
Implementing interfaces
Abstract class vs. Interfaces
Inner classes
Non-static inner class
Static inner class and Local inner class
Anonymous inner class
Exception Handling
Introduction to exceptions
Effects of exception
Exception Handling framework and Exception class Hierarchy
Custom exception class
Memory Management

Garbage Collection
Memory Leaks
Collections Framework
Introduction to collections
Core Collection Interfaces
List and set interface and its implementations
Queue and Map interface and its implementations
Java I/O Stream
I/O Streams Introduction

Stream class Hierarchy
Buffered Streams
Working File Streams
Introduction to serialization
Serialization process
Deserialization process

Introduction to threads
Thread states and priorities
Thread class
Runnable interface
Thread Group
Inter thread communication
Generics, Enums, AutoBoxing

Introduction to logging
Understanding the design of JBDC API
Obtaining JDBC Drivers
Establish connection with DB Servers
Execute SQL Queries using Statement and Prepared Statement
Fetch the data
Reading the records using result set object
Adding and Updating the records

Apache Kafka

Kafka is an open-source stream processing platform.Kafka can be integrated with Spark, Storm and Hadoop. Learn about Architecture, setup Kafka Cluster, understand Kafka Stream APIs, and implement Twitter Streaming with Kafka, Flume, Hadoop and Storm.

WEEK 6-7 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
Apache Kafka Training

What Kafka is and why it was created
The Kafka Architecture
The main components of Kafka
Some of the use cases for Kafka

The contents of Kafkas /bin directory
How to start and stop Kafka
How to create new topics
How to use Kafka command line tools to produce and consume messages

The Kafka producer client
Some of the KafkaProducer configuration settings and what they do
How to create a Kafka producer using the Java API and send messages both synchronously and asynchronously

The Kafka consumer client
Some of the KafkaConsumer configuration settings and what they do
How to create a Kafka consumer using the Java API

Kafka Connect and how to use a pre-built connector
Some of the components of Kafka Connect
How to use Kafka and Spark Streaming together

Talend Big Data

Talend Open Studio for Data Integration is an open Source ETL Tool, which means small companies or businesses can use this tool to perform Extract Transform and Load their data into Databases or any File Format (Talend supports many file formats and Database vendors).

WEEK 6-7 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
Talend Big Data Training

Why Talend?
Talend Editions and Features
Talend Data Integration Overview
Talend Environment
Repository and Pallate
Talend Design and Views

Start Talend Open Studio for Data Integration
Create a Talend project to contain tasks
Create a Talend Job to perform a specific task
Add and configure components to handle data input
Data transformation
Data output
Run a Talend Job and examine the results

Process different types of files using Talend
Connect to a database from a Talend Job
Use a component to create a database table
Write to and read from a database table from a Talend Job
Write data to an XML file from a Talend Job
Write an XML document to a file
Use components to create an archive and delete files

Store configuration information centrally for use in multiple components
Execute Job sections conditionally
Create a schema for use in multiple components
Create variables for component configuration parameters
Run a Job to access specific values for the variables

Troubleshoot a join by examining failed lookups
Use components to filter data
Generate sample data rows
Duplicate output flows

Perform aggregate calculations on rows
Extend data from one source with data extracted from a second source

Log data rows in the console rather than storing them
Employ mechanisms to kill a Job under specific circumstances
Include Job elements that change the behavior based on the success or failure of individual components or subjobs

Build a visual model of a Talend Job or project
Copy an existing Job as the basis for a new Job
Add comments to document a Job and its components
Generate HTML documentation for a Job
Export a Job
Run an exported Job independently of Talend Open Studio
Create a new version of an existing Job

Environment Overview
Repository and Pallate
Design and Views

Connect to a Hadoop cluster from a Talend Job
Store a raw Web log file to HDFS
Write text data files to HDFS
Read text files from HDFS
Read data from a SQL database and write it to HDFS
List a folders contents and operate on each file separately (Iteration)
Move, copy, append, delete, and rename HDFS files
Read selected file attributes from HDFS files
Conditionally operate on HDFS files

Develop and run MapReduce jobs
Convert a standard job into a MapReduce job
Create Metadata for your Hadoop cluster connection
Configure context variables
Retrieve the schema of a file using Talend Wizard
Send data to Hadoop HDFS
Load multiple files into HDFS
Sort and aggregate data using MapReduce components
Filter data using MapReduce components

Develop and run Pig Jobs using Talend components
Aggregate data using Pig components
Filter data in multiple ways using Pig components
Replicate Pig data streams
Small Project / Case study

Miscellaneous topics
Run Talend Jobs with the Apache Oozie Job Manager
Check data with Data Viewer
Read and write HBase tables
Write data to a HTML file
Talend Data Quality and MDM Overview

Performance tuning techniques
best practices
Coding guidelines in

Apache Cassandra

GoLogica training on Apache Cassandra learns Apache Cassandra fundamentals, distributed NoSQL database management system, architecture, Cap Theorem, and Gossip Protocol. Detailed explanations and real time projects and use cases enhance your skill set to accelerate your career on Cassandra.

WEEK 4-5 20 Hours LIVE CLASS
Apache Cassandra Training

Cassandra Architecture
Cassandra Installation and Configuration
Course Map
Objectives and Cassandra Versions

Operating System Selection
Machine Selection
Preparing for Installation and Setup Repository

Configuring Cassandra
Configuration for a Single-Node Cluster
Configuration for a Multi-Node and Multi-Datacenter Clusters
Setup Property File
Configuration for a Production Cluster
Setup Gossiping Property File
Starting Cassandra Services
Connecting to Cassandra
Installing on CentOS and Demo-Installing and Configuring Cassandra on Ubuntu

Database Design
Sample Application RDBMS Design
Sample Application Cassandra Design
Application Code
Creating Database
Loading Schema
Data Structures
Setting Connections
Population of database and all the Application Features

Advance Modelling
Rules of Cassandra data modeling
Increasing data writes
Reducing data reads
Modelling data around queries and Creating table for data queries

Data Definition language(DDL) Statements
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
User permission, Create and modify Users
Capture CQL output to a file
Import and export data
CQL scripts from within CQL and CQL Scripts from the command prompt

To become a master in Big Data Architect?

Skills Covered

Big Data Architect Masters Program skills covered

Tools Covered

Big Data Architect Masters Program tools covered

Career Support

Personalized Industry Session

This will help you to better understand the Big Data industry.

High-Performance Coaching

you will be able to grow your career by broadening your proficiency in Big Data Architect.

Career Mentorship Sessions

With this, the students will be able to decide their careers in the right way.

Interview Preparation

We Help with face-to-face interaction through mock interviews & Exams

Big Data Architect Masters Program career support

Program Fee

Program Fee: 144100 /-

129690 /-

Discount: 14410

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Big Data Architect Certification

GoLogica Big Data Architect Certification holds accreditation from major global companies worldwide. Upon completion of both theoretical and practical sessions, we offer certification to both freshers and corporate trainees. Our certification on Big Data Architect is recognized globally through GoLogica, significantly enhances the value of your resume, opening doors to prominent job positions within leading MNCs. Attainment of this certification is contingent upon the successful completion of our training program and practical projects.

Big Data Architect certificate

Job Outlook

Career Opportunities & Annual Growth

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 15% increase in employment for Big Data Architect analysts from 2023 to 2030, significantly outpacing the average for all occupations. Additionally, Big Data Architect Ventures predicts 1.8 million unfilled Big Data Architect jobs worldwide by 2030.

Salary Trend

According to the BLS, Big Data Architect professionals are well-compensated. The median annual wage for Big Data Architect Specialist was $60,000 to $150,000 PA. It’s depending on factors such as experience, location, and specific job responsibilities.

Job Titles

Are you preparing for a interview? If yes, our expert tutors will help you with this.

  • Big Data Architect
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Big Data Consultant
  • Data Analyst
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • ETL Developer
  • Hadoop Developer

Big Data Architect Faq’s

3 technical sessions are allowed per month.

Big data professionals analyze several data sources and increase the company’s revenue. When it comes to Big Data Engineers, the primary role is to collect data from diverse resources & integrate those details to develop data from several resources. With this course, you will learn how to extract data from several sources with the help of advanced tools.

This Master’s program is curated after thorough recommendations and research from the top industry experts. With this, you will get real-world experience with the relevant platforms and tools. Also, will help you differentiate yourself with multi-platform fluency.

The recommended duration is 25 weeks. However, students can finish the course at their own pace.

Once you join today, you will get access to the courses.

We provide you the relevant, high-value, relevant, and real-world projects in this course. Every training comes with several projects to test your practical knowledge, skills, and learning to make you industry-ready.

In this project, you will work on projects in several domains. It includes e-commerce, networking, insurance, technology, banking, and many more.

• Big Data Architect.
• Big Data Engineer.
• Database Developer.
• Big Data Analyst.

Yes! You can access the study materials anytime from anywhere.

It is a structured learning path recommended by the top industry experts making sure that you have become a skilled Big Data Architect. This course will provide you with in-depth knowledge of the complete big data ecosystem.

At the same time, other individual course focuses on one or two specific skill

It is the final project, which consolidates all the learning of your Master’s program. In this, you have to know the business case and provide a solution to resolve the problems mentioned in the project.


Yes. This course is suitable for freshers. Having a basic understanding of SQL, distributed systems, Java, and data structure is an advantage.

It depends on your data analytical skills and basic understanding of programming languages. Our experienced trainers explain the concepts in an easy way.

• Banking Sector.
• Healthcare Sector.
• Educational Institutions.
• Manufacturing Sector.
• Finance Sector.
• Retail and E-commerce Sector.

No! However, having a basic knowledge of programming is quite good.

• Sqoop.
• Talend.
• Storm.
• Hadoop Architecture.
• Hadoop Admin.
• Spark.
• Cassandra.
• HBase.
• Kafka.

Our Big Data Architect Master’s program is a combination of self-paced and industry-led. With this program, the students can learn skills at their own pace. Also, will get guidance from the top industry experts.

• Wipro.
• Oracle.
• Amazon.
• IBM.
• Microsoft.
• Cisco.
• Honeywell.
• Facebook.

No! We do not recommend any specific order to complete this course.

No prerequisites! The course is for freshers and working professionals.

Enquiry Now

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