Home Master Programs Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program

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Full stack development is end-to-end software application development. It gives an efficient and faster development experience to develop web apps. It is a term for describing a software developer who is an expert working on the front end and back end of an app or website.
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Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program

Next Batch Starts

10th Mar 2025

Program Duration

6 Months

Learning Format

Online Bootcamp

Why Join this Program?

GoLogica Acadamic

GoLogica Academic's Master Program features a structured curriculum, paving the way to Global scope.

Industry Experience

GoLogica having a 15+ years of experience on career transforming programs with industrial oriented Skills.

Latest AI Trends

GoLogica Advanced Programs delivers cutting-edge AI Training, offering insights into the latest trends.

Hands-on Experience

GoLogica emphasizes practical learning with exercises, projects to equip you with real world application.

Learners Achievement

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Full Stack Developer Program Details

Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program by Gologica is a course, that provides the candidate with a deep understanding of the latest web development techniques and technologies. Our training program is led by expert trainers with years of experience in this field. 


This training program includes a wide array of topics. It includes database management, back-end & front-end development, and deployment. Also, you will get hands-on experience on real-world projects. With this, you will be able to develop your practical skills and prepare for your career in web development. 


Our Full Stack Development course will help you develop responsive and interactive web apps with the help of back-end and front-end technologies. The syllabus of this course starts with the web development basics. It includes JQuery and JavaScript essentials which will guide you in developing remarkable UI via React or Angular. With this, you will be able to develop scalable backend apps using Node.js & Express. 


In this course, you will learn several things. This includes full-stack web development with well-known technology stacks, Angular, Vue JS, and React JS. Also, will learn about Mongo DB, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python Django, SQL Server, and .NET Core Web API.


With this course, you will learn how to develop the same web app with the help of diverse stacks such as:

  • ReactJS, Blazor, Angular 12, and Vue JS for Frontend. 
  • Python Django and .Net Core for Backend. 
  • Microsoft SQL, Mongo DB¸ SQLite, MySQL, and Postgre SQL for Database. 


Key Highlights

  • On-demand videos.
  • Classes are taken by industry experts. 
  • Certification after the course. 
  • Relevant study materials. 
  • Mentor support.
  • Career guidance or assistance. 

Are you excited about this?

Full Stack Developer Syllabus


GoLogica Offers AngularJS Online Training is a basic structure for dynamic web applications. It is an intense java content based improvement stage to create RIA – rich Internet Application. AngularJS gives engineers to compose customer side programming (utilizing javascript) ) in an unmistakable MVC (Model View Controller) approach.

WEEK 5-7 25 Hours LIVE CLASS
Angularjs Training

This is the body.Brief Review of Angular Basics
Controllers and Models
Routing and Single Page Applications
Angular User Interfaces
Angular Forms
Angular forms vs HTML forms
Angular form controls

The form controller
Form validation
CSS classes for form data
Using Angular with Angular UI and Angular Bootstrap
Introduction to AngularUI
Introduction to Bootstrap (and AngularUI--s implementation)
Page layout and organization
UI Widgets

Providers as a concept
The Service Provider
Mocking out your Service during testing
The Factory Provider
Testing your Factory
The Provider recipe
Developing Custom Directives
Teaching HTML new tricks
Binding text and attributes
Directive processing lifecycle
DOM Processing

Directives and scopes
Creating reusable directives
Turning directives into components

Custom Elements
Custom Event Handling
Observing Model Changes with $observe
Enhanced End-to-End Testing
Introduction to End-to-End testing
Setting up Protractor
Configuring your browser()
Grabbing elements
Firing events
Examining data
Back to Top


Node.js is an intense JavaScript-based system/stage based on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 Engine. It is utilized to create I/O concentrated web applications like video spilling destinations, single-page applications, and other web applications. Learn Node.js Online 

WEEK 6-8 25 Hours LIVE CLASS
Node.js Training

What is Node.JS
Why use Node.js
Non - Blocking I/O
Features of Node.js
Global objects
V8 JavaScript Engine

Node. js Installation
REPL Commands
Import packages
Importing Ways
Git Introduction and how to install it

Global vs Local package Installation
How to create a Package.json

Publish your NPM Package
Traditional Web Server
Node.js Process model
Web Applications
Responsibilities of Web Server
Create Node.js Web Server
Handle http request

What is Express.js
Why is Express.js
Features of Express.js
Instaling Express.js
HTTP Server using Express.js
Application Logics
Difference b/w GET &POST
MVC Architecture
Jade Template Engine with example

This is the body.What is Express.js
Why is Express.js
Features of Express.js
Instaling Express.js
HTTP Server using Express.js
Application Logics
Difference b/w GET &POST
MVC Architecture
Jade Template Engine with example

Types of Middleware

HTTP Methods
RESTful Web Services

Callback functions
Callback Queue
EventLoop & Features of EventLoop
Phases of EventLoop
Callback Chaining

Callbacks to promises
Promises chaining

Request Module
Customizing http requests

HTTP status codes

HTTP status codes

Project setup
Required module

How Node.js connects to Database
Relational Databases and Drivers
NoSQL Databases and Drivers
What is MongoDB
How to download MongoDB software
MongoDB Features
How to Connect MongoDB Database

This is the body.Insert Documents
Query Document
Update documents
Delete documents
How to communicate from our Node.js application to MondoDB Database
How to retrieve the data from MongoDB collection

Update Documents
Delete Documents
Curd using Express.js and MondoDB
Required Modules
Implementing Express.js to Mongo.DB communication
Curd operations using Express.js and MondoDB

This is the body.Sublime & Gitbash
How to download Sublime
How to connect MySQL Database
Curd operations
Node.js to MySQL Project

Curd app development using Node.js to MySQL
Required Modules

What is REST?
Principles of REST API
Verbs in REST
Implementation of simple Rest API application using Node.js express & Mondo DB

Required Modules
RestAPI Development
Implementation of Login Application Development

What is Authentication
Authentication Implementation
Http Basic Authentication
Project on Authentication
Authentication with Cookies
Authentication with Session

Understanding CSRF Attacks
CSRF Attacks Prevention Measures
What is Json Web Token
The need for Json Web Token
Structure of a JWT
Implementation of Login application with JWT

Monolithic Archtecture
What are Microservices
Why Microservices
What is Docker
Why Docker
Docker Architecture
Terminologies in Docker


online training jQuery is a quick, little, and highlight rich JavaScript library. It influences things to like HTML report traversal and control, occasion dealing with, activity, and Ajax significantly more straightforward with a simple to-utilize API that works over a huge number of programs.

WEEK 3-5 25 Hours LIVE CLASS
JQuery Training

Adding the jQuery Library to Your Pages
Basic jQuery Example
Downloading jQuery
Alternatives to Downloading
jQuery Syntax
The Document Ready Function
How to use Custom Scripts?
Using Multiple Libraries
jQuery no Conflict() Method

Built-in Functions

How to use Selectors?
jQuery CSS Element Selector
jQuery CSS Element ID Selector
jQuery CSS Element Class Selector
jQuery CSS Universal Selector
jQuery CSS Multiple Elements E, F, G Selector
jQuery Callback Functions

Get Attribute Value and Set Attribute Value

Find Elements by index
Filtering out Elements
Locating Descendent Elements
JQuery DOM Traversing Methods

Apply CSS Properties
Apply Multiple CSS Properties
Setting Element Width & Height
JQuery CSS Methods

Content Manipulation
DOM Element Replacement
Removing DOM Elements
Inserting DOM elements
DOM Manipulation Methods

Binding event handlers
Removing event handlers
Event Types
The Event Object
The Event Attributes

JQuery Effect Methods
jQuery Hide and Show
jQuery Toggle
jQuery Slide slideDown
slideUp, slideToggle
jQuery Fade fadeIn
jQuery Custom Animations
jQuery AJAX
Load ()
Get ()
Post ()
Ajax ()
jQuery JSO

Web Developer

The Complete Web Developer Course - Build 5 Websites Online Training at GoLogica begins from the rudiments of web advancement like HTML components, styling the HTML components with CSS, utilizing recently presented highlights in HTML5 and CSS3 to conveying the sites on Amazon Simple Storage Service.

WEEK 4-5 16 Hours LIVE CLASS
Web Developer Certification Training

Overview of HTML
Overview of CSS
Creating a Web Application by Using Visual Studio 2012
Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages
Creating an HTML5 Page
Styling an HTML5 Page

Overview of JavaScript Syntax
Programming the HTML DOM with JavaScript
Introduction to jQuery

Overview of Forms and Input Types
Validating User Input by Using HTML5 Attributes
Validating User Input by Using JavaScript

Sending and Receiving Data by Using XMLHTTPRequest
Sending and Receiving Data by Using jQuery AJAX operations

Styling Text
Styling Block Elements
CSS3 Selectors
Enhancing Graphical Effects by Using CSS3

Writing Well-Structured JavaScript
Creating Custom Objects
Extending Objects

Interacting with Files
Incorporating Multimedia
Reacting to Browser Location and Context
Debugging and Profiling a Web Application

Reading and Writing Data Locally
Adding Offline Support by Using the Application Cache

Supporting Multiple Form Factors
Creating an Adaptive User Interface

Creating Interactive Graphics by Using Scalable Vector Graphics
Programmatically Drawing Graphics by Using a Canvas

Applying CSS Transitions
Transforming Elements
Applying CSS Key-frame Animations

Introduction to Web Sockets and Sending and Receiving Data by Using Web Sockets

Introduction to Web Workers and Performing Asynchronous Processing by Using a Web Worker

MongoDB Admin

MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas. The administration documentation addresses the ongoing operation and maintenance of MongoDB instances and deployments.

WEEK 8-9 35 Hours LIVE CLASS
MongoDB Admin Training

What Is NoSQL?
Why NoSQL databases are required.
Types of NoSQL Database
NoSQL vs SQL Comparison
ACID & BASE Property
CAP Theorem
Benefits of NoSQL databases
Start and Stop the mongodb process

Deleting the documents
Querying the documents
Bulk insert operation
Updating multiple document
Limiting documents
Filtering documents
Schema Design and Data modeling

Storage Engines (Wired Tiger and MMAP)
Read Path
Write Path
Working Set
Capped Collection
Oplog collection
TTL Index

Dynamic Schema
What is Data modeling?
RDBMS and Mongodb Data modeling difference
Embedding Document
Reference Document

Index concepts in mongodb
Types of indexes
Indexes and its use cases
Creating Indexes
Managing Indexes
Index strategies
Database Administration

Troubleshooting issues
Current Operations
Rotating log files
Users and Roles
Copy and Clone database
DB and Collection Stats
Explain plan
Changing configuration files
Upgrading the database
Backup and Security

Mongoexport / mongoimport
Mongodump / mongorestore
Oplog backups
LVM Backups
Backups using MMS/Ops Manager
Purpose of security
Authentication and authorization
Role based access control

ReplicaSet member roles
Voting and Electing primary
Role of Oplog in replication
Read and Write Concern
Hidden and Delayed replica node
Priority settings
Replicaset nodes health check
Concept of resyncing the nodes
Rollbacks during failover
Keyfile authentication

This is the body.Concept of Scalability
Sharding concept
Shardkey and Chunks
Choosing shardkey
Sharding components
Types of Sharding
Balanced data distribution
Sharded and Non-sharded collection
Sharded Replicaset
Tag aware sharding

MMS Manager
Ops Manager
Mongo utility commands
Mongo developer tools
Mongodb Atlas
Mongodb client drivers

SQL Server

GoLogica’s training on SQL server will provide all the necessary training to become a certified SQL expert. As part of the training you will be able to manage the database solutions, manage various operations on databases, migrate it to the cloud and scale on demand. You will be able to meet all the business requirements of the project by the SQL learning’s knowledge from GoLogica.

WEEK 7-8 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
SQL Server Training

SQL Server database Overview
What is DDL
Data Types

Group by

Temp tables
Table Variables

Case Statement
Ranking Functions
Scalar Functions


Sub Queries
Stored Procedures
User Defined Functions

Express JS

GoLogia's Express JS Training will unlock your potential as an Express JS.js developer! This course takes your skills, from the basics up to building strong web applications. Become a member today for superior instruction, real-world experience, and web development.

WEEK 5-6 20 Hours LIVE CLASS
Express JS Training

js Introduction
Sampleapp Development
Event Loop
js Features
Why Express.js?

Dynamic Routing
Express Router
Request Object
Response Object

Simple Application with Express JS Using Routes

What is Middleware?
Middleware Order

Types of Middleware
Need of Middleware

What is a template engine?
Use cases of express template engine
How to use Template Engine
Popular Template Engine

What is MongoDB
Document Databases
MongoDB Installation
Establishment of Connection

How to implement CURD application using Express.js & MongoDB
Clusters & Database Access

What is Mongoose?
Schema Types
Features of Mongoose
How Mongoose Differ from MongoDB
How to work with Mongoose
MongoDB Atlas
Communicating from Express.js application to MongoDB database using Mongoose framework

What is MySQL?
How to connect MySQL Database
Implementation of E-Commerce application

What is Mongoose?
Schema Types
Features of Mongoose
How Mongoose Differ from MongoDB
How to work with Mongoose
MongoDB Atlas
Communicating from Express.js application to MongoDB database using Mongoose framework

React and Redux

GoLogica's React and Redux Training courses show you how to rewrite your web projects with smart data management using React and Redux. Come join us Suitable for front-end developers and React fans, this course workstogether theory with practical exercises so you end up ready to use React and Redux in your actual work. Improve your career chances and stay at the critical edge in this constantly changing field of web development.

WEEK 8-10 30 Hours LIVE CLASS
React and Redux Training

History of Javascript
What is ES6
A word on bable
Block scope, let & const
Template literals
Arrow functions
Spread and Rest operators
Object literal improvements
Static properties and methods
Iterators and Iterables

What is React?
Why React?
React version history
React 16 vs React 15
Just React - Hello World
Using create-react-app
Anatomy of react project
Running the app
Debugging first react app

Working with React. createElement
Using logical operators
Specifying attributes
Specifying children

This is the body.Significance of component architecture
Types of components
Class based
Component Composition

This is the body.What is state and it significance
Read state and set state
Passing data to component using props
Validating props using propTypes
Supplying default values to props using defaultProps

Using react key prop
Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements

This is the body.Understanding React event system
Understanding Synthetic event
Passing arguments to event handlers

Understand the lifecycle methods
Handle errors using error boundaries

This is the body.Controlled components
Uncontrolled components
Understand the significance to default Value prop
Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element

What is context
When to use context
Create Context
Reading context in class

What is code splitting
Why do you need code splitting
Route-based code splitting

What are hooks
Why do you need hooks
Different types of hooks
Using state and effect hooks
Rules of hooks

Setting up react router
Understand routing in single page applications
Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
Configuring route with Route component
Using Switch component to define routing rules
Making routes dynamic using route params
with nested routes
Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
Redirect routes using Redirect Component
Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation
Path less Route to handle failed matches

What is redux
Why redux
Redux principles
Install and setup redux
Creating actions
Reducer and store

What is Immutable.js?
Immutable collections

This is the body.What is React Redux
Why React Redux
Install and setup
Presentational vs Container components
Understand high order component
Understanding map State To Props and map Dispatch To Props usage

Why redux middleware
Available redux middleware choices
What is redux saga
Install and setup redux saga
Working with Saga helpers
Sagas vs promises

Understand the significance of unit testing
Understand unit testing jargon and tools
Unit testing react components with Jest
Unit testing react components with enzyme

What is webpack
Why webpack
Install and setup webpack
Working with webpack configuration file
Working with loaders
Working with plugins
Setting up Hot Module Replacement

What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
Working with renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup methods

To become a master in Full Stack Developer?

Skills Covered

Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program skills covered

Tools Covered

Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program tools covered

Career Support

Personalized Industry Session

This will help you to better understand the Full Stack Web Development.

High-Performance Coaching

Broaden Your Full Stack Web Development Skills to Boost Career Prospects

Career Mentorship Sessions

With this, the students will be able to decide their careers in the right way.

Interview Preparation

We Help with face-to-face interaction through mock interviews & Exams

Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program career support

Program Fee

Program Fee: 162000 /-

145800 /-

Discount: 16200

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Full Stack Developer Certification

GoLogica Full Stack Developer Certification holds accreditation from major global companies worldwide. Upon completion of both theoretical and practical sessions, we offer certification to both freshers and corporate trainees. Our certification on Full Stack Developer is recognized globally through GoLogica, significantly enhances the value of your resume, opening doors to prominent job positions within leading MNCs. Attainment of this certification is contingent upon the successful completion of our training program and practical projects.

Full Stack Developer certificate

Job Outlook

Career Opportunities & Annual Growth

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 16% increase in employment for web developers and digital designers from 2023 to 2031. & Web developer Ventures predicts 1.46 billion unfilled cybersecurity jobs worldwide by 2030.

Salary Trend

According to the BLS, full stack developer’s professionals are well-compensated. The median annual wage for full stack developers was $75,000 to $125,000 PA It’s depending on factors such as experience, location, and specific job responsibilities.

Job Titles

Are you preparing for a interview? If yes, our expert tutors will help you with this.

  • Web Developer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer

Full Stack Developer Faq’s

It is a structured learning path, which help you become a full stack developer. In this, you will learn front-end and back-end programming.

If you’ve seen any of our online sessions, then you will join us. We offer the best learning environment led by experienced trainers.

It will help you stand out from the crowd. This course will help you become an expert in multi-platform. Also, will provide you the real-world experience with vital platforms and tools.

• HTML53. • CSS3. • Bootstrap. • Ajax. • Async Libraries. • Google APIs. • jQuery Forms. • jQuery Events. • jQuery Plugins. • jQuery Mobile. • JavaScript. • ExpressJS. • SPA. • DOM Manipulation. • REST API. • Angular-CLI. • MVC Framework.

The ideal duration is 21 weeks. But the student can take their own pace and time to complete this training.

No. This is because it is for fresher’s and experienced professionals.

Yes! You can join multiple training courses at a time.

This program is a blend of 8 programming languages. But other master programs explains one or two specific skills.

Yes! This course is easily understandable for all.

• Comprehensive skill set.
• Work with real-world projects.
• Flexibility in career.
• Networking opportunities.

• Google.
• Amazon.
• Twitter.
• Apple.
• Microsoft.
• LinkedIn and many more..

Yes! With us, you will get your dream job.

• Collaborating with the cross-functional teams for designing, developing, and deploying web apps.
• Troubleshooting and debugging problems that occur during development & testing.
• Integration of data storage solutions, web service, and 3rd-party APIs.


• Freshers.
• Experienced Professionals.

Yes. Coding is a basic skill which is essential for this course. Full-stack developers should have knowledge of the programming languages.

• React.js.
• Node.js.
• Express.js.
• Django.
• Ruby on Rails.

Yes. Our Full Stack Web Developer Master’s Program is for experienced and fresher's.

The demand for Full Stack Developers is high in India. More companies are moving onto digital technologies. Thus, the demand for one who can manage end-to-end web app development is increasing.

Once you sign up for the course, you will get access to all the relevant study materials.

Enquiry Now

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